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ContextErrorException in MailTransport.php line 257: Warning: escapeshellcmd() has been disabled for


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wenn ich ein test von anmeldung oder Kontakt formular senden bekommen Standig this fehler und auch die kunden bekommen kein bestätigung email oder rückemail


Whoops, looks like something went wrong. 1/1 ContextErrorException in MailTransport.php line 257: Warning: escapeshellcmd() has been disabled for security reasons
  1. in MailTransport.php line 257
  2. at ErrorHandler->handleError('2', 'escapeshellcmd() has been disabled for security reasons', '/www/htdocs/w013928d/nfe24.com/shop/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/MailTransport.php', '257', array('string' => '[email protected]'))
  3. at escapeshellcmd('[email protected]') in MailTransport.php line 257
  4. at Swift_Transport_MailTransport->_isShellSafe('[email protected]') in MailTransport.php line 286
  5. at Swift_Transport_MailTransport->_formatExtraParams('-f%s', '[email protected]') in MailTransport.php line 174
  6. at Swift_Transport_MailTransport->send(object(Swift_Message), array()) in Mailer.php line 85
  7. at Swift_Mailer->send(object(Swift_Message)) in Mail.php line 409
  8. at MailCore::Send('1', 'contact', 'Nachricht aus dem Kontaktformular [no_sync]', array('{order_name}' => '-', '{attached_file}' => '-', '{message}' => 'ich kann nicht die nicht schicken ', '{email}' => '[email protected]', '{product_name}' => ''), '[email protected]', 'Kundenservice', null, null, null, null, '/www/htdocs/w013928d/nfe24.com/shop/mails/', false, null, null, '[email protected]') in contactform.php line 302
  9. at Contactform->sendMessage() in contactform.php line 68
  10. at Contactform->getWidgetVariables(null, array()) in contactform.php line 60
  11. at Contactform->renderWidget(null, array()) in smartyfront.config.inc.php line 82
  12. at {closure}(object(Contactform), array()) in smartyfront.config.inc.php line 76
  13. at withWidget(array('name' => 'contactform'), object(Closure)) in smartyfront.config.inc.php line 83
  14. at smartyWidget(array('name' => 'contactform'), object(Smarty_Dev_Template))
  15. at call_user_func_array('smartyWidget', array(array('name' => 'contactform'), object(Smarty_Dev_Template))) in SmartyLazyRegister.php line 83
  16. at SmartyLazyRegister->__call('smartyWidget', array(array('name' => 'contactform'), object(Smarty_Dev_Template))) in aa70d8662b74d1152fe673bd1df8e1d3212da221.file.contact.tpl.php line 175
  17. at SmartyLazyRegister->smartyWidget(array('name' => 'contactform'), object(Smarty_Dev_Template)) in aa70d8662b74d1152fe673bd1df8e1d3212da221.file.contact.tpl.php line 175
  18. at content_589c855aeda649_32016440(object(Smarty_Dev_Template)) in smarty_internal_templatebase.php line 188
  19. at Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch('contact.tpl', null, 'layouts/layout-left-column.tpl', null, false, true, false) in SmartyDev.php line 41
  20. at SmartyDev->fetch('contact.tpl', null, 'layouts/layout-left-column.tpl') in FrontController.php line 655
  21. at FrontControllerCore->smartyOutputContent('contact.tpl') in FrontController.php line 639
  22. at FrontControllerCore->display() in Controller.php line 221
  23. at ControllerCore->run() in Dispatcher.php line 366
  24. at DispatcherCore->dispatch() in index.php line 28


Könnten Sie bitte mir helfen


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vielen dank für ihre antwort i habe mit dhenen gesprochen sie  habe mir gesagt dass ich nur die Dateien mit phpx versehen soll , die Befehle verwenden, die nur im CGI-Modus verfügbar sind oder

erzeuge eine Datei mit dem Namen .htaccess in den Verzeichnis wo Dateien über PHP CGI geparsed werden sollen. Folgende Einträge sind möglich:


AddHandler php70-cgi .php

AddHandler php56-cgi .php

AddHandler php55-cgi .php

AddHandler php5-cgi .php (Version entsprechend der PHP Apache-Modul Version)


ich habe die 2 Möglichkeit  versuchst funktioniert  wunderbar aber JavaScript oder jequerry  wurde deaktiviert  wenn ich ein Produkt in Warenkorb hinzufugen würde nicht gezeigt bis ich die Seite aktualisiert würde.

beim erste moglichkeit  habe ich PHP CGI mode aktivieren beim prestashop es schaut aus :


Bevor Sie mit "JA" antworten, prüfen Sie erst, ob PHP als Apache-Modul auf Ihrem Server läuft.


und jezt bekomme ich andrer Fehler :


Whoops, looks like something went wrong. 1/1 ContextErrorException in MailTransport.php line 257: Warning: escapeshellcmd() has been disabled for security reasons
  1. in MailTransport.php line 257
  2. at ErrorHandler->handleError('2', 'escapeshellcmd() has been disabled for security reasons', '/www/htdocs/w013928d/nfe24.com/shop/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/MailTransport.php', '257', array('string' => '[email protected]'))
  3. at escapeshellcmd('[email protected]') in MailTransport.php line 257
  4. at Swift_Transport_MailTransport->_isShellSafe('[email protected]') in MailTransport.php line 286
  5. at Swift_Transport_MailTransport->_formatExtraParams('-f%s', '[email protected]') in MailTransport.php line 174
  6. at Swift_Transport_MailTransport->send(object(Swift_Message), array()) in Mailer.php line 85
  7. at Swift_Mailer->send(object(Swift_Message)) in Mail.php line 409
  8. at MailCore::Send('1', 'bankwire', 'Warten auf Zahlungseingang von Bank', array('{lastname}' => 'saida', '{firstname}' => 'sanas', '{id_order}' => '14', '{order_name}' => 'NSMMLTJEW', '{bankwire_owner}' => false, '{bankwire_details}' => '', '{bankwire_address}' => '', '{total_paid}' => '29,75 €'), '[email protected]', 'sanas saida', null, null, null, null, '/www/htdocs/w013928d/nfe24.com/shop/mails/', false, '1') in OrderHistory.php line 504
  9. at OrderHistoryCore->sendEmail(object(Order), array('{bankwire_owner}' => false, '{bankwire_details}' => '', '{bankwire_address}' => '')) in OrderHistory.php line 425
  10. at OrderHistoryCore->addWithemail(true, array('{bankwire_owner}' => false, '{bankwire_details}' => '', '{bankwire_address}' => '')) in PaymentModule.php line 726
  11. at PaymentModuleCore->validateOrder('19', '10', '29.75', 'Banküberweisung', null, array('{bankwire_owner}' => false, '{bankwire_details}' => '', '{bankwire_address}' => ''), '1', false, 'e05482df8ad3cf2f7d7af605b57c927d') in validation.php line 64
  12. at Ps_WirepaymentValidationModuleFrontController->postProcess() in Controller.php line 190
  13. at ControllerCore->run() in Dispatcher.php line 366
  14. at DispatcherCore->dispatch() in index.php line 28
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als ich dass gemacht habe bekomme ich nochmal ein fehler :

Whoops, looks like something went wrong. 1/1 InvalidArgumentException in FileCache.php line 92: The directory "/www/htdocs/w013928d/nfe24.com/shop/app/cache/dev/guzzle" is not writable.
  1. in FileCache.php line 92
  2. at FileCache->__construct('/www/htdocs/w013928d/nfe24.com/shop/app/cache/dev/guzzle', '.doctrinecache.data', '2') in FilesystemCache.php line 37
  3. at FilesystemCache->__construct('/www/htdocs/w013928d/nfe24.com/shop/app/cache/dev/guzzle') in appDevDebugProjectContainer.php line 2103
  4. at appDevDebugProjectContainer->getGuzzle_Cache_ProviderService() in bootstrap.php.cache line 2222
  5. at Container->get('guzzle.cache.provider') in appDevDebugProjectContainer.php line 638
  6. at appDevDebugProjectContainer->getCsaGuzzle_Subscriber_CacheService() in bootstrap.php.cache line 2222
  7. at Container->get('csa_guzzle.subscriber.cache') in appDevDebugProjectContainer.php line 552
  8. at appDevDebugProjectContainer->getCsaGuzzle_Client_AddonsApiService() in bootstrap.php.cache line 2222
  9. at Container->get('csa_guzzle.client.addons_api') in appDevDebugProjectContainer.php line 2839
  10. at appDevDebugProjectContainer->getPrestashop_Addons_ClientApiService() in bootstrap.php.cache line 2222
  11. at Container->get('prestashop.addons.client_api') in appDevDebugProjectContainer.php line 2925
  12. at appDevDebugProjectContainer->getPrestashop_Core_Admin_DataProvider_AddonsInterfaceService() in bootstrap.php.cache line 2222
  13. at Container->get('prestashop.core.admin.data_provider.addons_interface') in appDevDebugProjectContainer.php line 2942
  14. at appDevDebugProjectContainer->getPrestashop_Core_Admin_DataProvider_ModuleInterfaceService() in bootstrap.php.cache line 2222
  15. at Container->get('prestashop.core.admin.data_provider.module_interface') in appDevDebugProjectContainer.php line 3194
  16. at appDevDebugProjectContainer->getPrestashop_Module_ManagerService() in bootstrap.php.cache line 2222
  17. at Container->get('prestashop.module.manager') in ModuleManagerBuilder.php line 86
  18. at ModuleManagerBuilder->build() in AdminDashboardController.php line 301
  19. at AdminDashboardControllerCore->renderView() in AdminController.php line 2046
  20. at AdminControllerCore->initContent() in Controller.php line 201
  21. at ControllerCore->run() in Dispatcher.php line 366
  22. at DispatcherCore->dispatch() in index.php line 95
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