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How to display order details using built-in SQL Manager

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Hi, could You please tell me please what is wrong with this SQL query? Prestashop returns no result at all :( .

SELECT ps_order_invoice.id_order_invoice, 
FROM ps_orders
JOIN ps_order_detail USING id_orders
JOIN ps_order_invoice USING id_orders
JOIN ps_order_state USING id_orders

I want the final table to have these collumns: 








Thank YOu

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On line 3 you're using:


This will provide prices for each item in the order, rather than the overall order cost, so you probably want to use:


instead to give the overall order value, which means you don't need to JOIN with the ps_order_detail table.


At the end of line 6, you have a stray ` character which you need to remove.


For USING to wrok on lines 8 - 9 you need to provide the name of the common table column you wish to join on, in this case id_order. You also need to put the name of the column in brackets:

JOIN ps_order_invoice USING (id_order)

Line 10 will never work because the ps_order_state table does not contain an id_order column. Instead you need to supply a language ID and use the ps_order_state_lang table to look up what the current state of the order is using the current_state column from the orders table.


Something like this should do the trick:

SELECT ps_order_invoice.id_order_invoice,                                     
ps_order_state_lang.name AS current_state,                                                     
ps_orders.current_state AS id_order_state,
FROM ps_orders                                                                          
JOIN ps_order_invoice USING (id_order)
JOIN ps_order_state_lang ON ps_order_state_lang.id_order_state=ps_orders.current_state WHERE ps_order_state_lang.id_lang=1
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