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Home page H1 and H2 tag data

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Hi all,


I got something strange and can't get is solved.

In the attached picture you can see that you can see with the MOZ tool for the homepage the H1 tag is not filled and for H2 shopping cart information

So two questions, first how can I add the meta data to the home page for the H1 tag?

And second question the H2 tag is on every page filled with "Product successfully added to your shopping cart • There are 0 items in your cart. There is 1 item in your cart."

How can I find why or how the H2 tag is filled with cart info?




Edited by peter750 (see edit history)
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By editing the TPL files in the theme. Usually "product-list.tpl" or "product-list-item.tpl" (depending on your theme) for category, manufacturer, supplier, best sales, new products etc. pages, and "product.tpl" for product's page.


Note: The product page has the H1 set to product's title. (in theme default-bootstrap)

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  • 3 years later...

Hi @Geo Burlibasa

I want to change the H1 tag for the Home page, currently it loads some sort of automatic list of product names that don't look good. I don't know in which file and path I should change it (I searched in header.tpl, head.tpl, index.tpl and page.tpl). "Home text editor" module is no longer available in Prestashop 1.7.

I have Prestashop version 1.7.6, theme: At Movic by Leo Feature.

Help? Thank you!

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