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[SOLVED] Edit Product ID


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I've got an existing database with product ID numbers that are being used across the company. It is in our best interest to have the product_id on the website match the product ID from our current database.

If I was to go in and edit the MySQL database product_id field and update all the product ID's would this mess up all the links and everything in the shop? So right now if a product is product.php?id_product=1 and I go in and change the product ID to 2048222, will this create a broken page at id_product=1 or will it automatically update the link so when I click "ipod nano" it will take me to product.php?id_product=2048222 automatically?


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Should all work, easist way is just to alter the product id on one item and see what happens, but i think you should use the reference field in the product setup as this is what appears on invoices and dispatch notes,



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