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Migrate cloud to new host (reason cloud service stops at prestashop)





I will try it this way because i get no response from Prestashop on my mails and ticktet. Today i have tried to migrate my shop to a new host. Prestashop clous stops is service so i had to choose how to go gone. Today i send this massage to Prestashop biy mail, ticket:


Until now i have prestashop cloud store. Prestashop stops the cloud service so i had to choose what i wanted to do with my shop. I want to move it myself to a new host. The following i did:
1. I send you a mail for more info. I got codes back for different possibilities to migrate my cloud.
2. i used the code for backing up my shop in the prestashop shop.
3. Made a ticket No xxxxx in wich i ask for a complete backup from my store.
4 Waited more than a week now. No responce.
5. than i saw that there is an option after the loginscreen in the prestashop cloud: Take action now.
6. I pressed the button and got differtent options.
7 I click  migrate myself to get a back up.
8. I got the opportunitie to download 2 things: files and database. 
9. I both downloaded them.
10. I uses FTP to upload the files to my new host and imported the database. 
11. changed the setting.inc.php files
12 My site does not work.
13 With help from my new host we came to the conclusion that there are files missing and that i didn't got my whole shop.
14 As an solution, with help from my new host, i downloaded a copy of the same version prestashop and copied the files with FTP to my new host, skipping the double files so that they would not be overwritten.
15. Result is that my sit still doesn't work.
My conclusion, and that of my new host is that i diddnt get the fulle shop in my download and i am missing things. 
My experience is that it is hard to get contact with Prestashop. Can you please speed things up. My shop is down right now.
If you need any more data please let me know.
Can anybody help me or has the same experience?
Thanks for the help.
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I got it Solved.


With help from the prestashop supportteam and my new host.


When you download a copy from your shop you dont get all the files.


first you need to import the new database in your new host.


Then you download a copy of the sameversion install on the website from prestashop. You transfer all the files with FTP to your host. Then you upload the backup of your own shop and overwrite the double files.


Now you have a full shop.


You delete the install folder from your server.


The adjust your settings.inc.php file to match the info to your database. Login, password,server e,d.


Now you rename your admin folder through FTP to a name you only know. Example admin1234. 


Now you can acces your backoffice shop through. www.yourdomain.(nl/com/eu)/admin1234



first i created an .htaccesfile trough FTP. by turning of friendly url and save, then turning on friendly url the .htacces file was filled. 


The problem was that i got an 404 error when visiting my homepage of my shop. The problem was that i had two languages installed and the page was redirected to the wrong language. It had to go to /nl/ but went to /en/.



I want only dutch so i turned off english and my shop began to work.


I hope this helps. In the atachment the full manual from prestashop.Migrer depuis le cloud UK.pdf

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almost the same!
I got copy of the shop and my new host cloud not rebuild the store, they said I need full backup from prestashop.
at prestashop now I have one and only way to migrate to over cloud, which I did not know how cause lack of instructions, I asked prestashop for help, I release a ticket waiting for answer almost 24 hours.

most likely I won't be able to migrate or restore the shop!

they have a good service I do not know why they are shutting it down!

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Hi there


i am creating migration tickets to receive a full copy of my store and submitting my request for my PS CLOUD store www.geekyprint.com but i am getting this reply - 



Thank you for contacting us. This address is dedicated for our customers who bought support.

You can see our support offers here: http://addons.prestashop.com/fr/388-support

If you have already a support, please use the mail address which you have used to buy it.

Thank you for your understanding

The Support Team


i already bought the migration module and the email address is the same on my account [email protected]


please can you contact support for me and request option 3 of the migration process as i need to more my store onto my new hosting account. ALSO my domain name needs to be unlocked so i can transfer it to my new hosting account.


please can you get back to me ASAP as i am worried i will lose my website www.geekyprint.com


kind regards 

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