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Manufacturers module MODIFICATION


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I would like to have a select dropdown box containing a list of manufacturers (like the manufacturer block already has), but instead of the ordinary select box, I want a the manufacturers to have a dropdown meny inside the select box...so users can select a category of products by the manufacturer they hover over.... For a refereance,please view http://www.bidyell.com/ right hand side ("select a category")

Instead of categories I would like to have "browse manufacturers", and upon hovering over a particular manufacturer... it will display in the dropdown the categories they have products in

Please PM or reply if you could make this happen properly in awell built module

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok mate cheers, :) i be waiting for a great response saying :) Yes i fixed it :), ould you also be able to do it so it does it in columns so if i say have 10 in one column then it will move to the next column and have another 10 etc? if thats not to much to ask


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Horiztonal Menu 2.6.4 the one from this Thread:


as i got a few issues, and i not sure if host or anything as i have installed the menu from scratch without any modification so many times now but still not working because as options you can change via backend but not changing them :(

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No I haven't used that one, but, let me ask you this...how many manufacturers do you have?
I ask because we have 381 and it looks terrible. This mcDropDown is really for hierarchical
data, such as Categories->subCategories.

Are you still sure you want to do this because I have it working.

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ok, are you ready for this???

First, download the mcDropdown control from Giva, unzip these files and these files only into the directories mentioned:

/lib/jquery.bgiframe.js       -> /js/jquery directory
/lib/jquery.mcdropdown.min.js -> /js/jquery directory
/css/jquery.mcdropdown.css    -> /css directory
/images/mcdropdown/*          -> /images/mcdropdown directory

Create msdropdown.js file, place in your js folder. This is the contents:

$(document).ready(function (){
 $("#mfg").mcDropdown("#mfgmenu", {"maxRows": "10"});

Open header.tpl. add this code:

  <link type="text/css" href="{$content_dir}css/jquery.mcdropdown.css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" /> 

on the line after:

{if isset($css_files)}
 {foreach from=$css_files key=css_uri item=media}
   <link href="{$css_uri}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="{$media}" />

Note: should be placed before the {/if}

Then, place this code (it removes script tags so fix it when pasting):

< script type="text/javascript" src="{$content_dir}js/jquery/jquery.mcdropdown.min.js"></ script> 
< script type="text/javascript" src="{$content_dir}js/jquery/jquery.bgiframe.js"></ script> 

on the line BEFORE this line:

{if isset($js_files)}

Now, to modify the blockmanufacturers template, open

Add this code

<input type="text" name="mfg" id="mfg" value="" />

on the line BEFORE this line:

{if $manufacturers}

Modify this line:


to look like this:


Now, you also need to give each LI a rel attribute so change this line:

getmanufacturerLink($manufacturer.id_manufacturer, $manufacturer.link_rewrite)}" title="{l s='More about' mod='blockmanufacturer'} {$manufacturer.name}">{$manufacturer.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}

to look like this:

getmanufacturerLink($manufacturer.id_manufacturer, $manufacturer.link_rewrite)}" title="{l s='More about' mod='blockmanufacturer'} {$manufacturer.name}">{$manufacturer.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}

And the last thing is to add this line(it removes script tags so fix it when pasting):

< script type="text/javascript" src="{$content_dir}js/mcdropdown.js" ></ script>

on the line BEFORE this code:

<!-- /Block manufacturers module -->

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After looking at this, I've decided to not add it to our manufacturers block due to the fact that when you select one of the manufacturers, it performs a search by manuf and then refreshes without the manufacturer being selected in the control.. I might be able to figure that part out someday???

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Hi its because i disabled the manufacturers block as the styling was not good lol i wanted it like the menu i have on JBX_MENU :) which i think will be hard work :(

And this JBX_MENU i got to do it all manually as via the backend of the module it wont change the settings for some reason so i got to change via the css file which is a pain cause cant get it to look how i want


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Hi its because i disabled the manufacturers block as the styling was not good lol i wanted it like the menu i have on JBX_MENU :)

Now, what you originally asked was to add this to the manufacturers block. That is what I did and the code I showed does that. It has nothing to do with the JBX Menu and won't do anything to it.
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I know that lol :), if you look at my menu i want to have a background image to the Brands drop down list and then a hover color of the text? how can this be done please i have tried just cant get it right as you can see i have background image there but it has that extra color at bottom of the power tan one :( which i dont want.

I been trying all day and havent had any luck,

Also i have published the Manufacturers block to the left column so you can see what it looks like


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