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How does Presta work with tpl?


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Hi folks,

If I want to change the way that shows the shopping cart, I have to change the module (blockcart.tpl).
Could I do this from the theme?

I thought that if i created a blockcart.tpl in my new theme, Presta takes this as a replacement which was defined in the core modules.

My goal is to leave the core the most original possible in order to easily update my sites.

How does Prestashop work ?

Many greetings and thanks for your help!


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Well... First of all good luck for that...

I would suggest you to make a copy of your theme/prestashop folder. and change whatever you want in your new one(newly copied folder). So you have copy of original one. take backup whenever you want :)

Prestashop is based on smarty template engine. That is the best template engine... i guess...
you can find more about smarty at http://www.smarty.net/

only two steps.
1. Set smarty array in php
2. fetch in tpl or you can say make layout with smarty array.

All the best.


Hi folks,

If I want to change the way that shows the shopping cart, I have to change the module (blockcart.tpl).
Could I do this from the theme?

I thought that if i created a blockcart.tpl in my new theme, Presta takes this as a replacement which was defined in the core modules.

My goal is to leave the core the most original possible in order to easily update my sites.

How does Prestashop work ?

Many greetings and thanks for your help!

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