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[SOLVED]Forgot to Export Translations Before Upgrading to 1.3

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Upgraded successfully from to 1.3

However, I forgot to export my translations before doing the upgrade.

I saved a copy of the files on my server and was able to go into:


and copy


to the 1.3 site.

However, there are many more translations that I made in

Am I out of luck or is there still some way I can get to them?

Thanks in advance.

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The translations are spread throughout your PrestaShop v1.2.5 files. The translations directory contains the Back Office, error message, field name and PDF translations. The themes/your_theme/lang directory contains your Front Office translations. The module translations are in the root of each of the modules' directories. You'll need to copy them all to restore all your translations. Many translations were improved in PrestaShop v1.3 though, so you should compare your PrestaShop v1.2.5 translations to the PrestaShop v1.3 ones.

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