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Various modules do not work any more!


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I'm having a "small" problem.

Running PS and since I update from 1.5 to 1.6 in the dawn of time, there haven't been any problems.

But suddenly, there are several modules that do not work in BO.  I Can access them, but some are missing all text concerning. settings, and "radio" buttons are still there. Live edit  in my bought theme some functions don't work no more.

I first discovered I had a problem when my host upgrade PHP 5.6 to version 7. Fixed it back to 5.6

So people could again pay via quickpay. But these other things have not changed radically ....

I haven't updated my shop ... So why the problem has occurred out og the blue I don't know.. 

Any ideas.



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No on???


Fund this by using RSI bug module:


Undefined variable: targetpage in /var/www/techstore.dk/public_html/modules/GWO/GWO.php on line 118

Undefined variable: arrtags in /var/www/techstore.dk/public_html/modules/ptsblocksearch/ptsblocksearch.php on line 339

Undefined index: wacsid in /var/www/techstore.dk/public_html/modules/woomio/woomio.php on line 141


makes sense to anyone??? 

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