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Propositions d'amélioration link_rewrite

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Petite proposition qui rendra encore plus performant les url rewrite dans la fonction Tools::link_rewrite()

je vous propose de remplacer

   static public function link_rewrite($str, $utf8_decode = false)
       $purified = '';
       $length = self::strlen($str);
       if ($utf8_decode)
           $str = utf8_decode($str);
       for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++)
           $char = self::substr($str, $i, 1);
           if (self::strlen(htmlentities($char)) > 1)
               $entity = htmlentities($char, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
               $purified .= $entity{1};
           elseif (preg_match('|[[:alpha:]]{1}|u', $char))
               $purified .= $char;
           elseif (preg_match('<[[:digit:]]|-{1}>', $char))
               $purified .= $char;
           elseif ($char == ' ')
               $purified .= '-';
       return trim(self::strtolower($purified));


   static public function link_rewrite($str, $utf8_decode = false)
       $purified = '';
       $length = self::strlen($str);
       if ($utf8_decode)
           $str = utf8_decode($str);
       for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++)
           $char = self::substr($str, $i, 1);
           if (self::strlen(htmlentities($char)) > 1)
               $entity = htmlentities($char, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
               $purified .= $entity{1};
           elseif (preg_match('|[[:alpha:]]{1}|u', $char))
               $purified .= $char;
           elseif (preg_match('<[[:digit:]]|-{1}>', $char))
               $purified .= $char;
           elseif ($char == ' ')
               $purified .= '-';
       $purified=preg_replace('/--+/', '-', $purified);
       return trim(self::strtolower($purified));

soit l'ajout de la ligne

$purified=preg_replace('/--+/', '-', $purified);

qui va assurer de ne pas retrouver plusieurs fois le tiret dans l'url rewrite. C'est une simple optimisation sans prétention, mais qui rend le rewrite plus fini !


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