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back office redirection problem


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sorry I am new to prestashop. 

I have backed up a copy of our website (to do a test zone and let acces to developper ) and i am trying to reinstall it. Main problem is : when i try to get to the back office it redirects to the other web site (because of the cookies in browser) or just say that the page is not correctly redirected (in other browser).

My front office is ok (except some redirection in main menu that I have to set in the back office I guess) but I cannot access to the back office...


(So I am copying pointrouge.com to pointr.just-smart.co.nz ) which is a prestashop v.


So far I have done this: 


***In setting.inc.php change the data base info


****In the data base


-change ps_configuration

 PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL   pointr.just-smart.co.nz                           

PS_SHOP_DOMAIN        pointr.just-smart.co.nz


(I have ssl in pointrouge.nc and not on this back up) so 





change  ps_shop_url

Domain           pointr.just-smart.co.nz

Domain_ssl      pointr.just-smart.co.nz

physical_uri       /



***In htaccess in public_html 

set all pointrouge.com to pointr.just-smart.co.nz


***In htaccess in public_html/admin

change this line (of course this is not adminxxxx but my admin file name) :

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://pointr.just-smart.co.nz/adminxxxx$1 [R,L]


***I also clear cache in cache - smarty - all files in compile and caches


So now I am kind of stuck as I try to look in forums and tryed other solution - but nothing worked; 

I guess i have missed one redirection but where...?


Any Idea ?


thank you 


Edited by Miu (see edit history)
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