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Not translated admin panel menu. Version:


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Not translated admin panel menu. Version: Languages added, updated, checked by default. The cache is removed and the site, and hosting, and web browser. The content of the menu is translated correctly, but the menu itself is not translated. How to fix this bug right?

I tried to make a transfer from the Administration -> Menu. It is impossible, an error - The class name 'AdminCatalogController' can not be found.
How to translate not to break Prestashop?
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  • 2 weeks later...


we have the same problem. I think it is depending from the available translation for the backend. But the translation feature is failing and quitting with the error message: ......  1000 für max_input_vars .... . Our php.ini:


allow_url_fopen = On
allow_url_include = On
display_errors = On
enable_dl = On
file_uploads = On
max_execution_time = 30
max_input_time = -1
max_input_vars = 10000
memory_limit = 256M
session.save_path = ""
upload_max_filesize = 65M


I found some more posted issues like this but they were solved with this changes in the php.ini. Another way is to add a .htaccess in the Admin Folder with max_input_var settings, but than we have an internal server error. So, in our case both solutions are not working.


Tried PHP 5.5/ 5.6/ 7.02. Presta Ver. It`s a Cpanel based Hosting from Basic Networks.


Maybe somebody can help us with that problem but it´s not a nice start with a new software package at all!


Cheers ...

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