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[SOLVED] Remove /en from sitemap link?


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Here is my sitemap link.



My exact reachable link is 



I want to remove the /en from my url link. How can I achieve it? 

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance!






Edited by munvera (see edit history)
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Disable all other languages that are not en. If other languages are enabled, your link changes to link/xx/en, link/xx/pt, etc.


After disabling the languages, you should restart your module sitemap. On back-office, tab Modules -> modules -> search there for sitemap and use the button right site for to restart the module.

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Disable all other languages that are not en. If other languages are enabled, your link changes to link/xx/en, link/xx/pt, etc.


After disabling the languages, you should restart your module sitemap. On back-office, tab Modules -> modules -> search there for sitemap and use the button right site for to restart the module.


It works! Thanks for your help!  :)  :)  :)

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