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upgrade to only some data to have clean site. Help?

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I have been searching and found many different sort of solutions but what I want is almost beyond my skills or not clear enough to me.

So I have running and have some database trouble and other problems. My features are messed up and I can't fix it nor I can't get back to a older state. Also i'm struggling too long with this site for almost a year. I have learned a lot and know many things already.


So I'm busy creating a new shop with latest version of PS and want to have the products without, images, features and attributes , customers, Categories and orders to import to new one and then recreate attributes and features and images. I mean I want only the necessary files back to the new site and build it module by module.


Then when finished and tested I want to switch over to the new version on the right URL.


Is that posible to do. Or could someone help me with it? I'm willing to pay for it. I run everything at my own server so I can give acces to SQL, BA, FTP and so on.


I hope someone can help me.

Thanks in advance.

Edited by Ed van der Meer (see edit history)
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Hi El Patron,


So tell me how can we get to an agreement or how do you work and what are the costs?


I like the look of your site already. I now have Aspirator Theme but I would like to have a more personal look of what I do and then shop comes second.


So maybe you can take a look at my site: www.applesupported.nl

And also maybe we could communicate by PM?

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