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Hello to all Prestashopers,


I've looking into the forums and the internet, and there does not seem to be any kind of solution or workaround for this.


I've set up my shop with and also an Ad Words / Google Merchant campaign.


However, Google Merchant give an Account warning: "Insufficient match of microdata price information"


I understand the whole concept of the schema.org. However, from what I can see, the default Prestashop template is at cause.


What happens is that the default Prestashop template put the $ sign into the price_display info, which cause the mismatch with Google Merchant.


See attached image: $ should NOT be inserted into our_price_display span. Rather, it should be inserted outside of the span, and into the priceCurrency meta.


Now of course some offer a fix for a fee, but that seems silly for me to pay for someone to partly dismantle a template and hack the code for such a small thing. Moreover, this hack might break something else, and will probably be wiped out if I do an update.


I know this is only a warning from Google, but this most likely hinders my rankings, and might even cause  mass disaproval of products on Google Merchant.


Anyone encountered this?


Kinds regards to all



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  • 4 months later...



My english is very bad but try this


put this code in your product.tpl


<span id="our_price_display" class="price" itemprop="price" content="{$productPrice}">{convertPrice price=$productPrice|floatval}</span>

the result is :


<span id="our_price_display" class="price" itemprop="price" content="20.00">20,00 €</span>



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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah I didn't want to touch the code for I will lose it on the next update.


What I did was to remove the "$" Symbol (for my case) in Localization -> Currencies. This way the currency is still understood into the schema and by Google merchant. I don't have the error anymore. Though you won't see the symbol appear next to the price. I can live with that.


But now Google Merchant is giving me error with the Condition, and if I put Accessories in a product's Associations tab. - _____ -

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