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File is too large message

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Is there a more reliable platform than prestashop?


I'm really tired of fixing error after error. I do not have auto updates or anything like that enabled on my site then after a week of running error free I will start getting errors like modules that stop working or csv files that gives an error like "File to large" even though the same file was used for more than a week without any changes or errors.


I keep losing money and paying for modules making the Idea of open source pretty useless. I was running on Shopify for more than a year error free, the only reason I've decided to move to prestashop is because it's more customisable. I’ve been trying to get support from the forums and module creators without any luck while sitting with a half wounded website not making any profit. Any ideas or help would be appreciated.


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Chances are and I hate to say it but it is an issue you are creating either by incorrect formatting of CSV file or some other modification you have made and have not yet associated with the error your receiving.

I have been using Presta for 5 years with almost no errors once the shop is running, furthermore 99% of errors that did arise were caused by my modifications that were not found during testing.

The error your receiving are most likely a PHP.ini issue with not enough memory most module issues are just this and for file to large same thing the PHP.ini has a limit that can be changed on file upload size.

Also you same same file worked and a week later the CSV file fails why would you be loading the same CSV file over and over - just wondering.


How you ask the question sometimes means a lot here on the forum ask one question per post so answers can be precise to that issue.

Be precise in the question as if forum members have to guess at the nature of the error chances are they will not get involved.


Give yourself some time to learn Presta before making to harsh of a judgement and just blaming all problems on Prestashop.

Do not get me wrong I feel your pain but your post is more of a statement then a question.


Post a snap of the error and give details of what your trying to do when the error popped up and you will get help.

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Thank you for the reply.


I'm also one of those people that do not change something that are working. I guess that's why this is getting to me.


I'm using a standard csv template to update prices and stock qty's by adjusting the figures and importing the csv. 

After the csv file was imported I select only the ID, Unit price and Quantity columns to update. I have been doing this for a while now without problems then I started receiving the following error "PrestaShop Main CSV.csv (12.48 MB) : File is too large"

I can still upload via ftp but not thru the csv Importer in the backoffice.





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Reading the code on line 80 of themes/default/template/controllers/products/helpers/uploader/ajax.tpl, it seems the maximum file size is set to {$post_max_size}:

			maxFileSize: {$post_max_size},

Looking at line 284 of classes/helper/HelperUploader.php, I see the getPostMaxSizeBytes() function sets that variable:

            'post_max_size' => $this->getPostMaxSizeBytes(),

That function is on line 115 of classes/Uploader.php:

        $post_max_size = ini_get('post_max_size');

So I suggest you increase post_max_size in your php.ini file and see if that fixes the issue.

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Hi Rocky


I've checked the settings in the PHP.ini file but everything seems to be ok. Below are a copy of the current settings.


allow_url_fopen = On

allow_url_include = Off

asp_tags = Off

display_errors = Off

enable_dl = Off

file_uploads = On

max_execution_time = 30

max_input_time = 60

max_input_vars = 50000

memory_limit = 512M

session.save_path = ""

upload_max_filesize = 128M


If I remove most of the products in the csv to make the size under 8mb the file import successfully.
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The first thing I did when I received the error was to ask my host to check the settings for me but according to them everything is setup ok.

One of the modules I use to export to csv also stopped working the same day could this maybe have an effect on this.

The module is "Advanced Export v4.2.0 - by Smart Soft Complete export tool"

Below are the error message I received when trying to export a csv file

[PrestaShop] Fatal error in module file :/home/twpucoza/public_html/modules/advancedexport/advancedexport.php:

Call to undefined function iconv()

I have tried multiple times to contact the developer but needless to say I did not manage to get any response from them so far. :angry:


Is it possible that my account could have been hacked?

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By running the phpinfo call I could see that the post_max_size = 8M even though I've added the line "post_max_size = 20M" like rocky suggested.

Are there two separate php.ini files or another reason for it not changing when I edit the file in cpanel?


 After searching for iconv() I found it in the phpinfo file. How do I know if it is setup correctly.

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tip: look at 3rd party solutions, like store commander and others similar.


having a pc based product manager that updates remote catalog rather is not a new idea, and for good reason.


I don't have a specific recommendation...but if I had to manage products, I'd find pc based solution that interacts with my ps catalog....and never look back


Happy day,  el

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In addition to ElPatron's  suggestion I can highly recommend Presta Store Manager. This tool connects directly to database and does not need Prestashop Back-office for to manage your catalog, customers, orders, etc. Also special server settings like the change of  max.xxxx  is not necessary....

30 days free trial included.


I'm using this tool since some years now, and it never let me alone.... Worked like a charm since hour zero I'm using it.


EDIT: As rocky suggested I merged your both identic topics into one only.

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Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it.

The problem was the Post Max Size setting on the server side like bellini13 suggested. After running phpinfo I could see that even though I changed the Post Max Size on my side to 20M in the PHP.ini it did not change on the host server side. I've send them an email to change to 20M and that fixed both my errors of import and export of csv.

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