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Add and delete fields of the register


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Hi, I comment you


I need to change completely the register erasing some fields of which has and adding other new.
I know that the 2 files to touch are authentication.tpl and AuthController.php, but here goes my problem:

- In the authentication, all the fields come with a variable $smarty.post that don't understand exactly like how it would work if add new fields. Example:

<div class="required form-group">
   <label for="firstname">{l s='First name'} <sup>*</sup></label>
   <input type="text" class="is_required validate form-control" data-validate="isName" id="firstname" name="firstname" value="{if isset($smarty.post.firstname)}{$smarty.post.firstname}{/if}" />

And afterwards to call them in the AuthController.php is a little mess for me.
Could anyone five me a hand with this?

Thanks and regards.


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Oks, thank you so much for help me ^_^

Now, my problem is ... How do I link the record fields to the database?
I search this post but I don't understand very well and I don't know of ot has to do with problem.



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