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Should I update to (security release)

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Hi there,


I don't really understand the patch notes for this version. It says security release, how recommended is it to install this one?

If it's hard to recommend whether to do it or not, maybe someone can explain what the changes entail?

Fixed bugs:
* BO : (f19ae86) Solved problem with non-unserialized filters datas

Improved/changed features:
* CORE : (e12c209) Fix a case where $context->smarty could be undefined




We are currently on


Thanks in advance!




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Wasn't flawlessly for me either, I just updated from to and even if I checked "NO" to all, especially for emails, all mails were changed to original ones.

Fortunately, I do have backups.

Except from this, and all the new php warning that weren't there before, this update is fine and recommended :)

By the way, if anyone as a clue regarding this new issue (not major), please let me know : 
PHP Warning:  htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in C:\xxxxxxxxx\cache\smarty\compile\8f\4a\83\8f4a838f0af6b3043dbc0f97fb570e0cbabec460.file.header.tpl.php on line 105

Line 105 code : 

<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['css_uri']->value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', true);?>
" type="text/css" media="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['media']->value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', true);?>
" />
Edited by JSSSX (see edit history)
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Thanks guys for all your support. I have cleared my cashe but the problem still persists. And by the way, my store is set from the server to automatically update to minor prestashop patches. This is also the first time I am encountering this type of issue and it is the only issue I have after the update. The store is working fine  but all categories has suddenly stopped displaying on the front page. 


Iyalla Walcourt

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I got these errors after turning on error reporting as you advised:


Deprecated: mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead in/home/walfave4038/public_html/classes/db/MySQL.php on line 51

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/walfave4038/public_html/classes/db/MySQL.php:51) in/home/walfave4038/public_html/classes/controller/FrontController.php on line 790

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/walfave4038/public_html/classes/db/MySQL.php:51) in/home/walfave4038/public_html/classes/controller/FrontController.php on line 791

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/walfave4038/public_html/classes/db/MySQL.php:51) in/home/walfave4038/public_html/classes/controller/FrontController.php on line 793

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That's an odd change of mind, Sathyaseelan133. I think it would be helpful if you don't post such advice unless you are certain about it.


Thanks rampage.rado and MacRoy, i'll try to update with a backup and mirror of my site first :)


I dunno about that CrossY, I think Sathyaseelan133 gave preeeety good advice.

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Possible problems is that the category page for whatever reason is exceeding memory limit. But you did not install any additional modules so it may be page corruption. I would upload fresh copies of category related pages of your theme, you'll see the word category in the file names. I would also download a copy of PS and replace


with fresh copies.
After that, if it dosen't fix the problem you may need to give someone access to take a closer look. Or hopefully someone may post something else for you to try.
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I just updated from to and all links to my category pages on my store stopped working, Could anyone please help me. 

This is one of such links: https://www.walfave.com/37-bags



Iyalla Walcourt

This may seem simple - but also simple enough to miss - did you check under Preferances --> SEO & URLs - that Friendly URL is enabled? The URL you listed as non-functional looks like it would be a Friendly URL.

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Yes, I have same problem after update to please try to click https://maticholic-eshop.com/

First, Our photo catague unshown, I've try to regenerate, but it still persist

Second, If I try to click the product ( https://maticholic-eshop.com/shock-absorber-bottom-shock/68-ohlins-rear-shock-pcx-.html ), there is show message "index.php?controller=404" 

I've tried to clear cache already


So, I tried to restore into but this issue still the same error and shown the message as above.



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People are having very different experiences. I'm still wondering what the security risks/update actually mean and how necessary it is to update. Anyone has a word on that?

Yes it is a minor update. probably not much changed. but for the security and stability of the system the better we first update of its development. Moreover, version 1.7 RC is still in the stage of the RC



# v1.6.1.7 - (2016-09-06)



Fixed bugs:


[-] BO : (f19ae86) Solved problem with non-unserialized filters datas


[-] FO : (2636a31) Fix rouding error in ProductController (PSCSX-7566)



Improved/changed features:


[*] CORE : (e12c209) Fix a case where $context->smarty could be undefined

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My issue has just been resolved. What happened was that the update from to replaced all modifications already done on some of the shop's folders.The site started functioning well after the restoration of all such modified folders .


Thanks to all of you for your kind assistance, especially Bill Dalton. I really appreciate your efforts.


Iyalla Walcourt  

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You always should update but what I would do is the following:


setup a TEST/QA environment

Test all the upgrades, patches etc

Then have let's say an update release schedule every 3 months.

This way you are always up to date with the latest patches.

2 weeks before your patch release you freeze any update on the TEST/QA environment giving you 2 weeks time to test everything again.


Then put your shop in maintenance mode, copy your DB to QA, the upgrade in QA

Test again and then move all over to PROD


This in high level terms.

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My issue has just been resolved. What happened was that the update from to replaced all modifications already done on some of the shop's folders.The site started functioning well after the restoration of all such modified folders .


Thanks to all of you for your kind assistance, especially Bill Dalton. I really appreciate your efforts.


Iyalla Walcourt  

One question: Will these same modifications be overwritten again with the next PrestaShop update?

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Unfortunately yeah they're all nuked on every release. Best to make a note of all modifications and use Beyond Compare or Winmerge to merge your modifications into the updated files. For minor updates it's pretty quick usually, for me always about 12 files are affected by updates.

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Unfortunately yeah they're all nuked on every release. Best to make a note of all modifications and use Beyond Compare or Winmerge to merge your modifications into the updated files. For minor updates it's pretty quick usually, for me always about 12 files are affected by updates.

Are the no override folders? This leaves the core files as is, and modifications are in an override folders and you can upgrade the core software. Obvious you need to test because you might need to rewrite the modifications

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