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Give a Product also a number # & Sort Product by Number in a Serie descending or ascending


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Dear Team Devellopers,


In de Comerce with products by example: music, games, comicbooks, books, tradingcards


It is disirable and usefull to have a option in Prestashop 1.7, that it will be able posible to give each product also numbers. 1 to 2000 or more.


The useability for a customer will be more nice and faster, So that they can search, sort their disired products.


- They can see by example (our store  sell comic books) how much comics of "" Asterix '''' there where made by the creators. Uderzo Goscinny


- They can see wich comic story title name, where made first, second, third, fourth ....etc.


-They can find their disired Number....if they don't know the comic story title name.



Sort Product by Number in a Serie descending or ascending




Please this if verry disireable and usefull for our store .

We think also verry usefull for shops with products, by example: music, games, comicbooks, books, tradingcards


Kind regards,




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