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Global translations (solution)

jordisan (Jordi S.)

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As it seems there's no native way to implement global translations (i.e., shared translations that can be used in different templates/modules), let me share the solution I have implemented, which I have described in my blog:




In short, I'm using a new .tpl file for global translations which can be included from different modules and themes/templates; the string to translate is passed to that template as a variable. Using this solution, these global translations can be managed through PrestaShop's back office.





Any feedback will be welcome!

Edited by jordisan (Jordi S.) (see edit history)
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If I understand right, in that case I think you should use the "standard" solution for translations in those pages (templates); that is {l s="..."}


You can also have multiple "global" templates; for example, 0globaltrans-front.tpl and 0globaltrans-back.tpl with different translations for the same strings. And then include one or the other in your tpl files.


many times translation depends on context, what if i will want to change the translation for selected pages only? are there a solution for such cases or i will have to use different string?

Edited by jordisan (Jordi S.) (see edit history)
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