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add amount to product price

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The product price of any product is actually calculated in SpecificPrice::getSpecificPrice() function. In case you want to change the price then you can simply override this fucntion.


The price that is displayed on product page can be changed through a small script that can be executed in the hook you are using.

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The product price on the front product page is shown through the theme's product.tpl file that internally calls that getPrice() function of Product class. 


The getPrice() function of Product class calls another function which calls another and so on. Th final call is made for SpecificPrice::getSpecificPrice(), that actually returns the price, you can simply override it to change any product price throughout the store.
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as eloy mentioned, the price should be changed once someone will hit a button on product page and only for front office view - so this should be coded as a javascript, not a php.

if you will put price to some <span> or <div> with custom id - it will be very easy to achieve,

can you put the price into some div?

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