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i want to change the image position and margin in the Add Cart Page

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Hi Guys,


Actually i want to change the image position from left to right and have to change the margin position.


Kindly check the image attached so you will clearly understand what am exactly wants.



Can you guys please tell me where is the code placed in the coding file and what is the file name of this code ?


i checked with firebug but can't find the file name exactly where the file is located ?


the code starts with


"<input type="image" alt="" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_xpressCheckout.gif" name="submit" id="paypal-express-checkout-btn-product" style="float: left; margin-top: -30px;">"

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Search for a module name starting with "paypal" and you should find the template. Check your theme first, since it has priority over the main module. Look for TPL files inside the themes/default-bootstrap/modules/paypal subdirectory. If it doesn't exist, look for TPL files inside the modules/paypal directory. One of them should contain that code, so you can adjust the style.

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Search for a module name starting with "paypal" and you should find the template. Check your theme first, since it has priority over the main module. Look for TPL files inside the themes/default-bootstrap/modules/paypal subdirectory. If it doesn't exist, look for TPL files inside the modules/paypal directory. One of them should contain that code, so you can adjust the style.


Hi Thanks for your reply,


But i changed all but still its not changing and all.. Can you please guide me


Here is the code and those red colored font i changed in the "express-checkout.tpl"


 <input id="paypal-express-checkout-btn-product" type="image" name="submit" src="{if isset($paypal_usa_express_checkout_no_token) && $paypal_usa_express_checkout_no_token}https://www.paypalobjects.com/{if $lang_iso == 'en'}en_US{else}{if $lang_iso == 'fr'}fr_CA{else}{if $lang_iso == 'es'}es_ES{else}en_US{/if}{/if}{/if}/i/bnr/horizontal_solution_PPeCheck.gif{else}https://www.paypal.com/{if $lang_iso == 'en'}en_US{else}{if $lang_iso == 'fr'}fr_CA{else}{if $lang_iso == 'es'}es_ES{else}en_US{/if}{/if}{/if}/i/btn/btn_xpressCheckout.gif{/if}" alt="" />
        <div style="clear: both;"></div>
        {if isset($paypal_usa_express_checkout_no_token) && $paypal_usa_express_checkout_no_token}
    {if !isset($paypal_usa_from_error)}
        <script type="text/javascript">
            {if $page_name == 'product'}
                $('#paypal-express-checkout-btn-product').css('float', 'right');
                $('#paypal-express-checkout-btn-product').css('margin-top', '3px');

But i changed all but still its not changing and all.. Can you please guide me

Edited by aravfshadow144 (see edit history)
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Did you go to Advanced Parameters > Performance and click the "Clear cache" button? Also make sure that "Never compile" isn't selected.


Oh yes now its perfect pal.. Thanks alot.. i did not clear the cache and then it was selected in "Never compile" Now everything is working fine.


Thanks bro

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