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[SOLVED] Category Pictures Not Updating Although Updated in Backend - PrestaShop


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Hello everybody,


I have been having an issue with category pictures on my front end not updating on my backend.


For example, here is what I have in my backend:


And here is what appears under the same category (same ID and everything) in the front end:



Here is another example of the backend:


And the front end:



I have made sure that force compilation is on (although that really has nothing to do with this) and I made sure to clear all of my cache's. I can not figure this out though. If anyone need anymore information, feel free to ask and I will give out website links or whatever is needed.


Thanks in advance!

Edited by lbray101 (see edit history)
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It's possible you have image maps overriding the category images. You can check on the Catalog > Image Maps tab if it exists. If you haven't created any image maps, it must a caching issue. Clicking the "Clear cache" button on the Preferences > Performance tab should force the image to refresh. You can try clearing your browser cache too.

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It's possible you have image maps overriding the category images. You can check on the Catalog > Image Maps tab if it exists. If you haven't created any image maps, it must a caching issue. Clicking the "Clear cache" button on the Preferences > Performance tab should force the image to refresh. You can try clearing your browser cache too.

I did not create any image maps so there was no category for that under catalog and I have cleared the cache and that did not help.


Any other ideas?

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