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Data transfer from to


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Hi Presta community,


fed up from all sorts of problems with my, I rebuilt my shop on a fresh new


Now that I am almost done, I'd like to move the data from to the other. I'd like to do it using phpMyAdmin, my plan is to "copy/paste" the needed databases from one presta to the other. I do have a few questions about it:

- Are there any things I should be aware of?

- Like tables that are not built the same way?

- Is there some kind of a listing of all the tables I need to move to keep my products/orders/clients?


As for the pictures, i'll just copy/paste the image folder.


Do I forget/miss something?


Thanks for any infos!

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Almost every Prestashop version has a slightly different database structure. The transition between 1.6.0 and 1.6.1 is particularly troublesome.


You can see the transitions under the install directory in install\upgrade\sql. Every file there indicates the steps needed to transform one version into the next. My advise is to upgrade your old version with the automatic upgrade and then to transfer the tables. Even if the upgrade of the files goes wrong the upgrade of the database goes usually ok.


If you want you can use my tool copy_shopdata for the transfer of the tables: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/445453-copy-shopdata-script-for-copying-shop-content-for-upgrade/

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