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Category images not working

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I'm unable to get the category thumbnail images to show up.


Permissions have been set recursively to 777 on img/


htaccess has been regenerated several times. Thumbnails have been regenerated. The category thumbnail is visible in the category edit backoffice


When I print this:

{$link->getCatImageLink($category->link_rewrite, $category->id_image, 'category_default')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}


it shows:



Notice the dash before the image type ( -category_default ). If I visit that URI directly there's no image. If I remove the "-" and visit the URI it is still not there.


No errors are generated in the php-error.log or running pretstashop in dev mode.


I think this is a problem with the htaccess rewrite.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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I don't think it will hit the rewrite rules when you call getCatImageLink directly, might be your friendly url settings in Preferences > SEO & Urls.


Route to category should be '{id}-{rewrite}', and are you sure $category has been initialized correctly?

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Thanks for your reply. The route to the category is as you suggested '{id}-{rewrite}'.


Category object looks like this:


[id] => 3
[id_category] => 3
[name] => T-Shirts
[active] => 1
[position] => 1
[description] =>description

[id_parent] => 2
[id_category_default] =>
[level_depth] => 2
[nleft] => 3
[nright] => 28
[link_rewrite] => t-shirts
[meta_title] => title
[meta_keywords] =>
[meta_description] => desc
[date_add] => 2013-09-15 16:29:53
[date_upd] => 2016-07-08 16:44:46
[is_root_category] => 0
[id_shop_default] => 1
[groupBox] =>
[id_image] =>
[webserviceParameters:protected] => Array
[objectsNodeName] => categories
[hidden_fields] => Array
[0] => nleft
[1] => nright
[2] => groupBox

[fields] => Array
[id_parent] => Array
[xlink_resource] => categories

[level_depth] => Array
[setter] =>

[nb_products_recursive] => Array
[getter] => getWsNbProductsRecursive
[setter] =>

[associations] => Array
[categories] => Array
[getter] => getChildrenWs
[resource] => category

[products] => Array
[getter] => getProductsWs
[resource] => product

[id_lang:protected] => 1
[id_shop:protected] => 1
[id_shop_list] =>
[get_shop_from_context:protected] => 1
[table:protected] => category
[identifier:protected] => id_category
[fieldsRequired:protected] => Array
[0] => active

[fieldsSize:protected] => Array

[fieldsValidate:protected] => Array
[nleft] => isUnsignedInt
[nright] => isUnsignedInt
[level_depth] => isUnsignedInt
[active] => isBool
[id_parent] => isUnsignedInt
[id_shop_default] => isUnsignedId
[is_root_category] => isBool
[date_add] => isDate
[date_upd] => isDate

[fieldsRequiredLang:protected] => Array
[0] => name
[1] => link_rewrite

[fieldsSizeLang:protected] => Array
[name] => 128
[link_rewrite] => 128
[meta_title] => 128
[meta_description] => 255
[meta_keywords] => 255

[fieldsValidateLang:protected] => Array
[name] => isCatalogName
[link_rewrite] => isLinkRewrite
[description] => isCleanHtml
[meta_title] => isGenericName
[meta_description] => isGenericName
[meta_keywords] => isGenericName

[tables:protected] => Array

[image_dir:protected] => /Users/username/Sites/localhost/img/c/
[image_format:protected] => jpg
[def:protected] => Array
[table] => category
[primary] => id_category
[multilang] => 1
[multilang_shop] => 1
[fields] => Array
[nleft] => Array
[type] => 1
[validate] => isUnsignedInt

[nright] => Array
[type] => 1
[validate] => isUnsignedInt

[level_depth] => Array
[type] => 1
[validate] => isUnsignedInt

[active] => Array
[type] => 2
[validate] => isBool
[required] => 1

[id_parent] => Array
[type] => 1
[validate] => isUnsignedInt

[id_shop_default] => Array
[type] => 1
[validate] => isUnsignedId

[is_root_category] => Array
[type] => 2
[validate] => isBool

[position] => Array
[type] => 1

[date_add] => Array
[type] => 5
[validate] => isDate

[date_upd] => Array
[type] => 5
[validate] => isDate

[name] => Array
[type] => 3
[lang] => 1
[validate] => isCatalogName
[required] => 1
=> 128

[link_rewrite] => Array
[type] => 3
[lang] => 1
[validate] => isLinkRewrite
[required] => 1
=> 128

[description] => Array
[type] => 6
[lang] => 1
[validate] => isCleanHtml

[meta_title] => Array
[type] => 3
[lang] => 1
[validate] => isGenericName
=> 128

[meta_description] => Array
[type] => 3
[lang] => 1
[validate] => isGenericName
=> 255

[meta_keywords] => Array
[type] => 3
[lang] => 1
[validate] => isGenericName
=> 255

[classname] => Category
[associations] => Array
[l] => Array
[type] => 2
[field] => id_category
[foreign_field] => id_category

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id_image doesn't have a value, does it work with $category->id?  Can't remember offhand what you're supposed to pass here.

[id_shop_default] => 1
[groupBox] =>
[id_image] =>
[webserviceParameters:protected] => Array
{$link->getCatImageLink($category->link_rewrite, $category->id_image, 'category_default')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}
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this seems to be the only reason your id_image wouldn't be set, is there a 3.jpg in <root>/img/c/ directory?

$this->id_image = ($this->id && file_exists(_PS_CAT_IMG_DIR_.(int)$this->id.'.jpg')) ? (int)$this->id : false;
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I'm unable to get the category thumbnail images to show up.


Permissions have been set recursively to 777 on img/


htaccess has been regenerated several times. Thumbnails have been regenerated. The category thumbnail is visible in the category edit backoffice


let's clarify, you uploaded image of category, or thumbnail of category?

these two things are different, and image of caregory will appear as a image of category (cover)

thumbnail is not a cover of category

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