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How to set cron job to optimize images in PrestaSpeed module?

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Hello everyone! Please help me with my problem, I have bought prestaspeed module, I'd like to optimise my images but it gives me an error 504 gateway time-Out after 10-15 minutes... How can I solve this? how I can put cron jab to optimise my images? The description of cron job is in Spanish...  Anybody know how to set cron job, tell me please step by step how can i do it, thx you in advance.. 


Warm Welcome from Moscow.



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If it times out that way, it will time out with a cron too. you have to increase the timeout limit in your php.ini to start with

As for the cron, does the module have a static url you can call?

Thx for replaying! Could you tell me please how can I increase timeout limit in php? Could you give me an instruction to do this step by step? Yes it has, Here you Are.


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I have optimised my php.ini  but problem didn't solve( It gives again this error.. What should I do guys? Any idea?


memory_limit 500M 500M
max_execution_time 900 900
max_input_time -1 -1

upload_max_filesize 1000M 1000M

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