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Prestashop 1.6 How swap two columns in header.tpl

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Your idea is change the left column to the right?


If  this true, you don't need change nothing in code, mostly of modules executed in the left column can be executed in the right column also, so, just need...


> Go to your Back Office > Modules > Positions

> Search the block "displayLeftColumn"

> Unhook all modules of this block

> Now transplant each of this modules to the "displayRightColumn"


If your theme have disabled the right colum, you can turn on at: Back Office > Preferences > Themes > Advanced settings

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But the little that I wanted. I need to swap the left column to the central column (only in the code), the template itself the home page should not change (visible to users). Now on the site like on the 1 screenshot but I need make like on the 2 screenshot.


Once again, the visible website template users should not change. Only code of theme.




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You need move the code

{if isset($left_column_size) && !empty($left_column_size)}
<div id="left_column" class="column col-xs-12 col-sm-{$left_column_size|intval}">{$HOOK_LEFT_COLUMN}</div>

To the footer.tpl, after the line

</div><!-- #center_column -->

And then you could be able to move the view as now is with an interesting options in bootstrap (offset, push and pull), documentation here: http://getbootstrap.com/css/#grid-responsive-resets

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