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Store Map Error: Missing API Key

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Yes, these are the errors and warnings.

I'm using The error was also on


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Works a treat, thanks.  On a slighlty different note, if there is only one store, do you know how to show the store address an opening times under the map as well as on it?


I also find that the store search facility never finds the store!

Edited by babyewok (see edit history)
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Hi mdekker,


In my case, your code adds the key at the end of the gmaps url: http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?&sensor=true&region=US&AIza.........k instead of



So for you guys who installed mdekker's code, if you decide to edit /controllers/front/StoresController.php and add the key there it will not work with this module installed and the key field in the module config empty. You will have to unisntall first and clear the smarty or other cache.


mdekker, please correct me if i'm wrong.


On the other hand, thanks a lot for your advice with the js key.


All the best

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Map is displayed but searching is not working. If you input any address it says "Not found".


On Prestashop version with old domain (thus without api key), searching works. But with new domain and api key does not.


Any help?

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Did you try any of the suggested solutions in this topic?


Yes and map is displayed correctly.


More: I started developing shop with test domain before changes in Google maps. So with test domain I can test both: with and without api key. Without api key all works. When I add api key map is displayed correctly but searching is broken. The only change in code and database is in StoresController. So definitely adding api key solves problem with map but breaks searching.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All,


I have installed ps v1.6.1.6 and faced same issue for google map display.


I edit stroreController page as per mdekker suggect. Google map work fine but search not.


Please write here if any one found solution.



Thanks in advance.

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Hi All,


Finally found solution for google map searching issue.


We just need to enable following APIs from Google Console. https://console.developers.google.com/apis/library.


  1. Google Maps JavaScript API
  2.  Google Maps Geocoding API
  3.  Google Maps Geolocation API

You can see attached screenshot for better under stand.post-1290986-0-00407100-1469690302_thumb.png

Please do this. It will resolve your issue. Enjoy :) :)


Please make this topic as solved if it resolve your issue.







Edited by chirag_0110 (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All,


Finally found solution for google map searching issue.


We just need to enable following APIs from Google Console. https://console.developers.google.com/apis/library.


  1. Google Maps JavaScript API
  2.  Google Maps Geocoding API
  3.  Google Maps Geolocation API

You can see attached screenshot for better inder stand.attachicon.gifScreenshot_1.png

Please do this. It will resolve your issue. Enjoy :) :)


Please make this topic as solved if it resolve your issue.








Hi chirag_0110,


how can I apply your solution to my map search issue? My site is http://levanzo.com.my/en/stores

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Hi chirag_0110,


how can I apply your solution to my map search issue? My site is http://levanzo.com.my/en/stores

Hi samsootho,


Nothing need to do from your store (Site). Just need to enable mentioned three APIs from your google developer account.

  1. Google Maps JavaScript API
  2.  Google Maps Geocoding API
  3.  Google Maps Geolocation API


Let me know if needed my help.




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How are you?

Please, I need some help.

The trouble persists.

I have edit storeController page as mdekker suggect and I have enable following APIs from Google Console. https://console.developers.google.com/apis/library.

Google Maps JavaScript API
 Google Maps Geocoding API
 Google Maps Geolocation API
 The text error:
- Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/error-messages#missing-key-map-error_.ib @ js?sensor=true&region=ES&key%3D"AIzaSyCMo4AWsHMCle5cJ1ioj4NbmyR4VwvcLwM":34(anonymous function) @ common.js:51(anonymous function) @ common.js:192c @ common.js:45(anonymous function) @ AuthenticationService.Authenticate?1shttp%3A%2F%2Fcarolinasierra.es%2Fshop%2Findex.php%3Fcontroller…:1
Thank you very much for your time and assistance in this matter.
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How are you?

Please, I need some help.

The trouble persists.

I have edit storeController page as mdekker suggect and I have enable following APIs from Google Console. https://console.developers.google.com/apis/library.

Google Maps JavaScript API
 Google Maps Geocoding API
 Google Maps Geolocation API
 The text error:
- Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/error-messages#missing-key-map-error_.ib @ js?sensor=true&region=ES&key%3D"AIzaSyCMo4AWsHMCle5cJ1ioj4NbmyR4VwvcLwM":34(anonymous function) @ common.js:51(anonymous function) @ common.js:192c @ common.js:45(anonymous function) @ AuthenticationService.Authenticate?1shttp%3A%2F%2Fcarolinasierra.es%2Fshop%2Findex.php%3Fcontroller…:1
Thank you very much for your time and assistance in this matter.



Hi Joan,


It should only happen if All mentioned google api not enable for your google api key.

Can you please confirm once ?


May be you enable those apis for another project (API KEY).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good evening, I'm having the same problem on the maps . already created the api key and put on file /controllers/front/StoresController.php put the map appears and disappears then with the message " Oops ! Something went wrong. This page did not load Google Maps correctly. See the JavaScript console to see technical details . " My version of prestashop is . I have another store on the same server and does not occur this problem . I do not know what to do. I appreciate any help .

Good evening, I'm having the same problem on the maps . already created the api key and put on file /controllers/front/StoresController.php put the map appears and disappears then with the message " Oops ! Something went wrong. This page did not load Google Maps correctly. See the JavaScript console to see technical details . " My version of prestashop is . I have another store on the same server and does not occur this problem . I do not know what to do. I appreciate any help .

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Hi samsootho,


Nothing need to do from your store (Site). Just need to enable mentioned three APIs from your google developer account.

  1. Google Maps JavaScript API
  2.  Google Maps Geocoding API
  3.  Google Maps Geolocation API


Let me know if needed my help.





Hi Chirag,


thanks for your reply.


I have enabled the mentioned APIs, do I need to add the API to anywhere of the website?





Edited by samsootho (see edit history)
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Hi Chirag,


thanks for your reply.


I have enabled the mentioned APIs, do I need to add the API to anywhere of the website?





Hi Chirag,


I managed to find the location for API following an earlier post in this topic. Thanks for your advice. You guys are awesome!

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Good evening, I'm having the same problem on the maps . already created the api key and put on file /controllers/front/StoresController.php put the map appears and disappears then with the message " Oops ! Something went wrong. This page did not load Google Maps correctly. See the JavaScript console to see technical details . " My version of prestashop is . I have another store on the same server and does not occur this problem . I do not know what to do. I appreciate any help .

Good evening, I'm having the same problem on the maps . already created the api key and put on file /controllers/front/StoresController.php put the map appears and disappears then with the message " Oops ! Something went wrong. This page did not load Google Maps correctly. See the JavaScript console to see technical details . " My version of prestashop is . I have another store on the same server and does not occur this problem . I do not know what to do. I appreciate any help .


There are 2 easy steps only, go to the following links:


Step 1: Get the API --> https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/539319-store-map-error-missing-api-key/page-2?do=findComment&comment=2375038


Step 2: Insert the API --> https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/539319-store-map-error-missing-api-key/?p=2360228

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Hi there!


I had the same problem and tried again and again to have a solution, finally I fixed it. I want to share what worked in my case:


Reading the thread some comment said that It would be some problem of the theme... so I have notice that using both solutions in this thread nothing change on the mesages I saw in my Javascript console. I went to the theme support and found that in my case, the theme called Google Maps byself not using StoresController.php so I found the file in my theme (who was a module by my theme´s author) and changed there the API Key.

Ah! the varible "sensor is deprecated and not used anymore so use:


instead of: 
Finally: It detected my API KEY but it doesn´t worked until I put in the entire url as autorized in Google API credentials page, I mean:
 myurl.com/contact instead of */myurl.com*
Hope it helps.
Edited by Lluvia (see edit history)
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Good morning guys


I also have about the same problem.

when I press click to display the map, only for a moment and post me the error

Oops! Something went wrong.

This page didn't load Google Maps correctly. See the JavaScript console for technical details


I have the impression that something runs after the procedure and annuls the key of api

my site is  https://essans.gr
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Need help!

I am totally lost. I have set up the browser api key and enabled three apis including the javascript one. I copied the key to the google map fix module. Not working. Then I manually added it to the controllers/front/StoresController.php. Still not working. Any suggestion? the url is https://addtocontainer.co.nz/stores

Many thanks


Try read more carefuly next time ;) You've assigned your api key to region instead key and that's why google is still blocking your map generation. So to fix this just change




Adding key=[YOUR_API_KEY]& just after .../maps/api/js? in original StoresController.php should be the only change in this file. You may also check Lluvia's fix to get rid of other warnings, but the map should load correctly without it.




You've made axactly the same mistake.




You're welcome ;)

Edited by Sharak (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Excellent tutorial. It works all right except that in the search can not find paices But if you let me look provinces streets, etc. Someone help me

Excellent tutorial. It works all right except that in the search can not find paices But if you let me look provinces streets, etc. Someone help me

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You will now need to visit your Google API Console, request an API key for the Google Maps JavaScript API, and change the file /controllers/front/StoresController.php


You can override the StoresController.php in directory /override/controllers/front/ ; I think it's a better idea to not lose this hack in case of minor Prestashop update.

Edited by Trafiquant (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I have followed instructions and still getting error messages

"Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/error-messages#missing-key-map-error"js:34:391
"Google Maps API warning: NoApiKeys https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/error-messages#no-api-keys"util.js:208:33
"Google Maps API warning: SensorNotRequired https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/error-messages#sensor-not-required"




have no problem with disabled SSL, but I need the SSL on every page?? Any ideas please

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I ran into the same problem and solved it (with guide in this topic). It's applicable to any Prestashop 1.6.1.x (tested with

  1. Go to the Google API Console.
  2. Create or select a project.
  3. Click Continue to enable the API and any related services.
  4. On the Credentials page, get an API key (and set the API key restrictions). 
    Note: If you have an existing unrestricted API key, or a key with browser restrictions, you may use that key.
  5. To prevent quota theft, secure your API key following these best practices. I added the allowed referrers (*.domain.com/*, domain.com/*, https://domain.com/stores)
  6. (Optional) Enable billing. See Usage Limits for more information.
  7. To search for a shop on the map you must enable Google Maps Geocoding API in your console.developers.google.com Project.
  8. Go to /controllers/front/StoresController.php and change at the end of the file line (see file in google drive):
    Where YOUR-GENERATED-API-KEY-HERE you must to replace the generated API key.
  9. If you have completed step 5, then you need to wait 5 minutes for the changes (during this time you will see an error - dont worry, just wait)

  10. PROFIT!  ^_^

P.S. Please do not write anything on this topic until you have done everything in the right order.

Edited by SEC Market (see edit history)
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Ok, I have followed instructions and still getting error messages

"Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/error-messages#missing-key-map-error"js:34:391

"Google Maps API warning: NoApiKeys https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/error-messages#no-api-keys"util.js:208:33

"Google Maps API warning: SensorNotRequired https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/error-messages#sensor-not-required"




have no problem with disabled SSL, but I need the SSL on every page?? Any ideas please


Your store is disabled so I can't check it out. Have you seen THIS?

Edited by Sharak (see edit history)
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Less tech-savvy users can download the latest version of this module: https://github.com/firstred/mpgooglemapsfix/releases

and just install it through the back office


This module is broken, it doens't use the 'key' GET parameter but instead appends the key to the url like this:







Edited by areaweb (see edit history)
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Your store is disabled so I can't check it out. Have you seen THIS?


I have it back up and running with the ssl on, still can not get this - have gone back over instructions, still having same issue.


I did note my code was different to some others but my API is in there. I have restricted the API with the full address including wildcards as instructed. Noted in page console - error code shows my api after the sensor=true&region=US& but in the actual code it is after /maps/api/js?key= - is this the problem (you have asked if I have seen this - yes and his stores are not working either https://addtocontainer.co.nz/stores, so perhaps something in the Google Maps fix - Store locator is the problem


Google Error - js?sensor=true&region=US&AIzaSyDT1o38qIzgQpL8tAQYWJvlU1h8dhDsbqM:34 Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/error-messages#missing-key-map-error



//maps.google.com/maps/api/js?key=MY_API_IS_HERE&sensor=true&region='.substr($default_country->iso_code, 0, 2)); 


Not sure if this is the issue either - https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/288409-force-ssl-on-all-pages-google-maps-stops-working-in-storelocator/


Thanks in advance for your assistance

Edited by crochead (see edit history)
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just use this code:


replace this:


  1. <script src="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js"></script>  something like this
  2. in your contact tpl file with this:
    1. <script src="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=BIzaSyA1gvGcwg6OPMaLsSutIecjkIXrABV3AoF"></script>;
  3. where after js?key=  here you should put your google api key. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

mdekker - thank you for this. One quick question, well two:

one: how do you adjust the map pan, for example mine is zoomed in as far as it can be, for the default I'd like it a little panned out to see more of the roads around my location.

two: my map icon is the prestashop penguin, can that be changed?


thank you for your help on this,

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Bonjour, j'ai un problème d'affichage google maps. Il semble qu'il s'agit de l'API KEY.


Quelqu'un peut m indiquer svp comment charger le codeblock2.txt avec mon code API dans le backoffice de prestashop?


En effet j ai bien compris comment créer le api key mais je n'arrive pas à modifier le code source je crois? quand je vais sur inspecter page ou code source de la page, je ne peux pas rajouter le text, aucune modification comment faire? merci


Pouvez vous m indiquer comment écrire ce code pas par pas?


Comme arriver sur le chemin controllers/admin/AdminOrdersController.php e faire la modification/ecriture?


Somewhere around line 289, you'll find the following:

txt.gif  codeblock1.txt   219 octets   1642 Nombre de téléchargements 


With your API key (example: POjjo83h3h379020323Hp7sY9bHB6U), change this into:

txt.gif  codeblock2.txt   254 octets   1933 Nombre de téléchargements 

Edited by pierluigi.marucci (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Newly detected domains require an API key from now on. That kinda sucks :/


Here's the announcement: http://googlegeodevelopers.blogspot.nl/2016/06/building-for-scale-updates-to-google.html


You will now need to visit your Google API Console, request an API key for the Google Maps JavaScript API, and change the file /controllers/front/StoresController.php


Somewhere around line 289, you'll find the following:



With your API key (example: POjjo83h3h379020323Hp7sY9bHB6U), change this into:



and Google Maps should be working again.

 Hi: I set the code. but still having the same problem, can you help me please?


this is mi code :

if (!Configuration::get('PS_STORES_SIMPLIFIED')) {

            $default_country = new Country((int)Tools::getCountry());
this is my web site:
and this is my api credentials:
Clave de API
Restricción de clave

La restricción de claves te permite especificar qué sitios web, direcciones IP o apps pueden usar esta clave. Más información

NingunoURL de referencia HTTP (sitios web)Direcciones IP (servidores web, trabajos cron, etc.)Apps de AndroidApps de iOS
Aceptar solicitudes de estas URL de referencia HTTP (sitios web) (Opcional)

Usa asteriscos como comodines. Si dejas esto en blanco, se aceptarán las solicitudes de cualquier URL de referencia. Asegúrate de agregar URL de referencia antes de usar esta clave en producción.

  • www.meridaestablecimientos.mx
  • I don´t know what I´m doing wrong, please help me!
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, now way to get it works!

And the link to the module is not working.


But I got it work!


Use the solution above with the .txt files, very precise and for the api don't spend too much time playing around or you will get errors. Just click https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key and get your key.


Before that I did install this module: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/579631-free-module-contact-form-with-google-map-background/

I don't know if this installation add some necessary fix but now works.

Edited by massimomassimo (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Guys, I tried every single solution in this topic and also tried this to include in the cms.tpl of the theme Im using 


{if $cms->id==10}

<script async defer


There's now way for me to show google maps. It shows for a second when the page is loaded and then it goes blank to the classic error of google. In the JS console of course I see the NO API key error.

I repeat, I tried ALL the steps listed here. Still no api key error. Also tried to wait five mins after editing the controller, no results.

If I use my solution, the code I pasted above, not only I get the no api key error, but I also get the MULTIPLE API keys error TOGETHER!

I'm using a module built by me that uses this: https://hpneo.github.io/gmaps/


Google maps was working great in a stage environment till yesterday, today I moved this website to the production domain and this error appears all the time.

I'm using the theme Warehouse for prestashop, maybe you know it, I tried to look into it if there's something that overrides my edit in the controller but found nothing.





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Guys, I tried every single solution in this topic and also tried this to include in the cms.tpl of the theme Im using 


{if $cms->id==10}

<script async defer


There's now way for me to show google maps. It shows for a second when the page is loaded and then it goes blank to the classic error of google. In the JS console of course I see the NO API key error.

I repeat, I tried ALL the steps listed here. Still no api key error. Also tried to wait five mins after editing the controller, no results.

If I use my solution, the code I pasted above, not only I get the no api key error, but I also get the MULTIPLE API keys error TOGETHER!

I'm using a module built by me that uses this: https://hpneo.github.io/gmaps/


Google maps was working great in a stage environment till yesterday, today I moved this website to the production domain and this error appears all the time.

I'm using the theme Warehouse for prestashop, maybe you know it, I tried to look into it if there's something that overrides my edit in the controller but found nothing.


Did you add your production domain to the list of accepted domains by that key in Google Console?

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Did you add your production domain to the list of accepted domains by that key in Google Console?


Actually nope, should I do it? I included google maps in like 15+ wordpress websites by only including the api key and without setting a domain. I'll try this but I doubt that's the issue

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Actually nope, should I do it? I included google maps in like 15+ wordpress websites by only including the api key and without setting a domain. I'll try this but I doubt that's the issue


I was able to fix my issue in the end thanks to a friend who helped me out. In my case the issue was a conflict between the google api key that was added 2 times in the same page. One module I had, for a contact form, added the api key link (without api key) from google in every page nmw.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everybody,


i've the same problem with any carriers. Google Map is never show.

So i've follow this step : 

2) Active all API required :
Google Maps JavaScript API
Google Maps Geocoding API
Google Maps Geolocation API
3) Change code line 289 to insert my own API Key : 

 Save & upload on my server.

if I understood everything it will be ok tomorrow right ? 

Thanks for advices.

Edit : Not working ! 
Still show message Key error. 
Edited by Didier Bigand (see edit history)
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...


Editing of /modules/tmgooglemap/tmgooglemap.php

258 line

$this->context->controller->addJS('http'.((Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED') && Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED_EVERYWHERE')) ? 's' : '').'://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=true&amp;region='.Tools::substr($default_country->iso_code, 0, 2));


$this->context->controller->addJS('http'.((Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED') && Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED_EVERYWHERE')) ? 's' : '').'://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?key=YOUR_API_KEY&sensor=true&region='.substr($default_country->iso_code, 0, 2));

helps for me!

YOUR_API_KEY = is your key from https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials

Edited by Dmytro Korolkov (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

If You use Warehouse u need to edit also
$apiUrl in customcontactpage.php in module customcontactpage.

		$apiUrl = 'https://maps-api-ssl.google.com/maps/api/js?key=XXXXx...
		$apiUrl = 'http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?key=XXXXXX...


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