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How can I align modules in displayNav?

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Hello everybody :)


I've been fighting with my Prestashop theme for weeks, and it's winning.


I am trying to align the various blocks and modules hooked to displayNav, and make them float to the right, while I would like to make an image float to the left. Like this:




You can see my current theme at https://www.bualai.com


So far I created a new module (dropdown userinfo, to replace the horizontal userinfo), deleted the old "shopping cart" icon, separated the "compare" option from the old userinfo module and managed to put it with "languages" and "currencies" in a list (but I couldn't be able to add my userinfo module nor the shopping cart). As you can see, the three modules are not aligned.


What I need to do is:

- add a new font awesome icon before "basket" in shopping cart module;

- align "languages", "currencies", "compare",  "userinfo" and "shopping cart" and float to right;

- make an image float to the left


I have very knowledge of coding and even though I am trying to learn html5 and css and follow tutorials, I really can't manage to solve this displayNav issue. What I mean is PLEASE HELP ME I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!


Thank you so much for reading and for taking time to reply, I really appreciate it!



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