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Translation on module install ( PS )

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Hi all, I'm in neeed of some help witha module translation.
I've developed my own module to make automatic shipping for a carrier i'm working for.
I've add a new tab, children of the order tab post-1199642-0-37751300-1463128998_thumb.png ( my tab is a copy of the orders tab with some additions ).
So i've ovveride AdminOrdersController 
class AdminOrdersClickAndQuickController extends AdminOrdersController

and overrided multiple tpls( admin/ _myDocuments.tpl, _myShipping.tpl, _print_pdf_icons.tpl, list_footer.tpl, view.tpl  [ for ovverriding i mean that i save my version of this files in override/controllers/admin/templates/my_module ecc on module install]).

Everything works fine expect the translation. I've used the translation tools and saved all the translations


post-1199642-0-13842000-1463129878_thumb.png and



Now when i export the language traslation under the path it/themes/default-bootstrap/module/clickandquick i find the correct it.php.

But when i go in my custom tab->orderDetail nothing is translated... Here my hookDisplayAdminOrder

    public function hookDisplayAdminOrder($params)
        $id_order = (int)$params['id_order'];

        //-------Controllo se l'ordine e' gia' stato associato ad una spedizione click&Quick
        $sql = "
            SELECT `ID`
            FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX_ . "clickAndQuickOrder`
            WHERE `id_prestashopOrder` = " . $id_order . "
        $result = Db::getInstance()->executeS($sql);
        if (!empty($result)) {
            $clickAndQuickOrder = new ClickAndQuickOrder();
            $totalClickAndQuickWeight = $clickAndQuickOrder->getPesoSpedizione();

        $customer = $this->context->customer;
        $cart = $params['cart'];
        $totalWeight = $cart->getTotalWeight();
        $order = new Order($id_order);
        $order_details = OrderDetail::getList($id_order);
        $products = array();
        $product = array();

        $pickupAddress = new ClickAndQuickAddress();

        $psDeliveryAddress = new AddressCore($order->id_address_delivery);
        $cqDeliveryAddress = new ClickAndQuickAddress();

        //se ho un mittente di default uso quello, altrimenti setto uguale a indirizzo di ritiro
        $IDDefaultSenderAddress = ConfigurationCore::get('IDIndirizzoDefaultMittente');
        $cqSenderAddress = new ClickAndQuickAddress();

        if ($IDDefaultSenderAddress != 0) {
        } else {

        $sql = "
    SELECT `denominazioneIta`,`ISO3166a3`
    FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX_ . "clickAndQuickNation`
        $allNation = Db::getInstance()->executeS($sql);

        $sql = "
    SELECT `denominazione`,`sigla`
    FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX_ . "clickAndQuickProvince`
        $allProvince = Db::getInstance()->executeS($sql);

        foreach ($order_details as $item) {
            $product['product_reference'] = $item['product_reference'];
            $product['product_name'] = $item['product_name'];
            $product['product_quantity'] = $item['product_quantity'];
            array_push($products, $product);

        /* $sql = "
           SELECT `name`
           FROM `"._DB_PREFIX_."carrier`
           WHERE `id_carrier` = ".$order->id_carrier."
         $isCarrier = Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql);
           throw new PrestaShopException("Il corriere selezionato per questo ordine è stato eliminato");*/

        //$todayDate viene usato per prepopolare la data di ritiro
        $todayDate = date("d/m/Y");
        $modalitaUtilizzo = ConfigurationCore::get('modalitaUtilizzo');

        $carrier = new Carrier($order->id_carrier);
                'my_module_name' => Configuration::get('MYMODULE_NAME'),
                'pickupAddress' => $pickupAddress,
                'deliveryAddress' => $cqDeliveryAddress,
                'senderAddress' => $cqSenderAddress,
                'allNation' => $allNation,
                'allProvince' => $allProvince,
                'totalWeight' => $totalWeight,
                'cart' => $cart,
                'products' => $products,
                'order' => $order,
                'isSentWithoutError' => 0,
                'carrier' => $carrier,
                'customer' => $customer,
                'todayDate' => $todayDate,
                'modalitaUtilizzo' => $modalitaUtilizzo,
                'my_module_link' => $this->context->link->getModuleLink('mymodule', 'display')

        if (isset($clickAndQuickOrder)) {

            $parcelList = $clickAndQuickOrder->getParcelList();
            $isSentWithoutError = $clickAndQuickOrder->isSentWithoutError();

                    'clickAndQuickOrder' => $clickAndQuickOrder,
                    'totalClickAndQuickWeight' => $totalClickAndQuickWeight,
                    'isSentWithoutError' => $isSentWithoutError,
                    'parcelList' => $parcelList

        return $this->display(__FILE__, 'parcel.tpl');

Do i need to install the it.php file somewhere to make it work?

In wich path of my module (mymodule/it.php or /mymodule/translation/it.php ) should i put the it.php file?
Does the translation automatically install on module install?
Thanks for you're help, have a good day
PS: sorry for typos and all the errors 


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