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Site carte de recharge téléphonique

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Bonjour à tous,

Comme indiqué, je veux développer une boutique de carte téléphonique, à partir de laquel un utilisateur éffectu le paiement pour récuperer un code de recharge.
Ma question, Est ce que prestashop est une solution adéquate pour mon probléme si j apporte des modifications dans le code et la forme de model product?

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une idée svp


You may find this useful: http://pomidorcart.com/products/pomidorcart-prestashop-pin-delivery-module.html

PomidorCart offers a unique pin delivery solution that was designed for ease of use. This software allows you to deliver 'any' product, where a PIN can be applied, to customers via EMAIL or SMS. The amazing diversity of the system enables prepaid PINs to be used by numerous sectors including: Telecom Businesses (pre-paid mobile and phone cards), ISPs, Gaming Industry (pre-paid game cards) and more...

PomidorCart PIN Delivery module is now available on PrestaShop. This is a complete PomidorCart integration with PrestaShop with the following common features:

* Attach PINs to products (limited), a maximum of 10 pins at a time
* Attach PINs to products (bulk), using a CSV file
* Attach PINs to products (bulk), using CSV via FTP
* Sold Pins Management (Sort, Resend, Delete)
* Pin Availability Check (Informs admin by email, and disables checkout for products with no PIN)
* 128Kb encryption of pin numbers (pins are encrypted while there are being stored in the database)
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