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2 questions sur les themes

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je me lance à écrire sur le forum car je ne trouve pas de réponse via une recherche ici ou sur google.


1- Quel que soit le theme que j'installe autre que le theme de base, je n'ai pas le menu "configurateur de theme" ?


2- j'ai trouvé la manip pour modifier les images des carrousels, mais lorsque je clique sur "modules et services" j'ai une page blanche avec

[PrestaShop] Fatal error in module file :/homepages/0/d620922640/htdocs/boutique/modules/fieldstaticfooter/models/Staticfooter.php:
Cannot redeclare class Staticfooter


J'ai installé prestashop il y a quelques jours sur un hébergement pro 1AND1, pas de soucis à l'installation, le reste que j'ai exploré fonctionne normalement.


merci de votre aide !



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merci de ta réponse, je ne comprends pas ce que je dois faire.

ci dessous le staticfooter.php


y'a pas un ficher de config des modules quelque part pour désactiver ca ?

ce ficher est lié a fieldstaticfooter.php un repertoire plus bas.


merci encore :)



class Staticfooter extends ObjectModel


/** @var string Name */

public $description;

public $title;

public $hook_position;

public $name_module;

public $hook_module;

public $position;

public $active;

public $insert_module;

public $showhook;

public $fieldorder;

public $identify;



* @see ObjectModel::$definition


public static $definition = array(

'table' => 'field_staticfooter',

'multishop' => true,

'multilang' => TRUE,

'primary' => 'id_fieldstaticblock',

'fields' => array(

'fieldorder' => array('type' => self::TYPE_INT, 'validate' => 'isUnsignedInt', 'required' => false),

'active' => array('type' => self::TYPE_BOOL, 'validate' => 'isBool', 'required' => true),

'insert_module' => array('type' => self::TYPE_INT,'lang' => false),

'showhook' => array('type' => self::TYPE_INT,'lang' => false),

'identify' => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'lang' => false, 'validate' => 'isGenericName', 'required' => true, 'size' => 128),

'hook_position' => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'lang' => false, 'validate' => 'isGenericName', 'required' => false, 'size' => 128),

'name_module' => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'lang' => false, 'validate' => 'isGenericName', 'required' => false, 'size' => 128),

'hook_module' => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'lang' => false, 'validate' => 'isGenericName', 'required' => false, 'size' => 128),

// Lang fields

'title' => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'lang' => true, 'validate' => 'isGenericName', 'required' => true, 'size' => 128),

'description' => array('type' => self::TYPE_HTML, 'lang' => true, 'validate' => 'isString', 'size' => 3999999999999),





public function getStaticfooterLists($id_shop = NULL, $hook_position= 'top') {

if (!Combination::isFeatureActive())

return array();

$id_lang = (int)Context::getContext()->language->id;

$object = Db::getInstance()->executeS('

SELECT * FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'field_staticfooter AS fsf

LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'field_staticfooter_lang AS fsl ON fsf.id_fieldstaticblock = fsl.id_fieldstaticblock

LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'field_staticfooter_shop AS fss ON fsf.id_fieldstaticblock = fss.id_fieldstaticblock

WHERE id_shop ='.$id_shop.'

AND id_lang ='.$id_lang.'

AND `hook_position` = "'.$hook_position.'"

AND `active` = 1

AND `showhook` = 1 ORDER BY `fieldorder` ASC


$newObject = array();

if(count($newObject>0)) {

foreach($object as $key=>$ob) {

$nameModule = $ob['name_module'];

$hookModule = $ob['hook_module'];

$blockModule = $this->getModuleAssign($nameModule, $hookModule);

$ob['block_module'] = $blockModule;

$description = $ob['description'];

$ob['description'] = $description;

$newObject[$key] = $ob;


return $newObject;



return null;





public function getModuleAssign( $module_name = '', $name_hook = '' ){

//$module_id = 7 ; $id_hook = 21 ;


if(!$module_name || !$name_hook) return ;

$module = Module::getInstanceByName($module_name);

$module_id = $module->id;

$id_hook = Hook::getIdByName($name_hook);

$hook_name = $name_hook;

if(!$module) return ;

$module_name = $module->name;

if( Validate::isLoadedObject($module) && $module->id ){

$array = array();

$array['id_hook'] = $id_hook;

$array['module'] = $module_name;

$array['id_module'] = $module->id;

if(_PS_VERSION_ < "1.5"){

return self::lofHookExec( $hook_name, array(), $module->id, $array );


$hook_name = substr($hook_name, 7, strlen($hook_name));

return self::renderModuleByHookV15( $hook_name, array(), $module->id, $array );



return '';




public static function renderModuleByHook( $hook_name, $hookArgs = array(), $id_module = NULL, $array = array() ){

global $cart, $cookie;

if(!$hook_name || !$id_module) return ;

if ((!empty($id_module) AND !Validate::isUnsignedId($id_module)) OR !Validate::isHookName($hook_name))



$live_edit = false;

if (!isset($hookArgs['cookie']) OR !$hookArgs['cookie'])

$hookArgs['cookie'] = $cookie;

if (!isset($hookArgs['cart']) OR !$hookArgs['cart'])

$hookArgs['cart'] = $cart;

$hook_name = strtolower($hook_name);

$altern = 0;


if ($id_module AND $id_module != $array['id_module'])


if (!($moduleInstance = Module::getInstanceByName($array['module'])))



$exceptions = $moduleInstance->getExceptions((int)$array['id_hook'], (int)$array['id_module']);

foreach ($exceptions AS $exception)

if (strstr(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $exception['file_name']) && !strstr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $exception['file_name']))



if (is_callable(array($moduleInstance, 'hook'.$hook_name)))


$hookArgs['altern'] = ++$altern;

$output = call_user_func(array($moduleInstance, 'hook'.$hook_name), $hookArgs);


return $output;



public static function renderModuleByHookV15( $hook_name, $hookArgs = array(), $id_module = NULL, $array = array() ){

global $cart, $cookie;


if(!$hook_name || !$id_module) return ;

if ((!empty($id_module) AND !Validate::isUnsignedId($id_module)) OR !Validate::isHookName($hook_name))



if (!isset($hookArgs['cookie']) OR !$hookArgs['cookie'])

$hookArgs['cookie'] = $cookie;

if (!isset($hookArgs['cart']) OR !$hookArgs['cart'])

$hookArgs['cart'] = $cart;


if ($id_module AND $id_module != $array['id_module'])

return ;

if (!($moduleInstance = Module::getInstanceByName($array['module'])))

return ;

$retro_hook_name = Hook::getRetroHookName($hook_name);


$hook_callable = is_callable(array($moduleInstance, 'hook'.$hook_name));

$hook_retro_callable = is_callable(array($moduleInstance, 'hook'.$retro_hook_name));


$output = '';

if (($hook_callable || $hook_retro_callable) && Module::preCall($moduleInstance->name))


if ($hook_callable)

$output = $moduleInstance->{'hook'.$hook_name}($hookArgs);

else if ($hook_retro_callable)

$output = $moduleInstance->{'hook'.$retro_hook_name}($hookArgs);


return $output;





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