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How to put state name variable in invoice?


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I have a problem that I can't solve at all for 3 days.
I created an invoice template that works for me (in Romania), except that I can not bring the state in this Invoice.
I have everything I need there but I tried a lot of combinations for state variable:
$address->state, $addresses.invoice->state and others an it brings to me a blank space.
Please help me!!!
This is the part of the code I use for customer data (city, state, country) and, as I told you, every variable is putted correctly on the invoice, except the one in red, what should be the state of the customer from address.

{$addresses.invoice->city},State: {$addresses.invoice->state},{$addresses.invoice->country},<br>


The solution was given by tuk66 and is: 


Edited by danodas (see edit history)
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Thank you.

I have all the settings ok. The addresses tabs apear OK in BO and FO but not in invoice. I am not using $addresses_tab variable in template.

For custom purposes, I use every smarty variable I can in my template.

I put the template here, you all can use it. It's for NON VAT Romania shop.


The template is here





And a picture with the problem is here:





As you can see, all variables are resulting ok, except the state, it should be Ex. Neamt  or Alabama... Anything.

Edited by danodas (see edit history)
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Try to create a new order and you will see. Can be that state is only missing in old orders.


Nope! Same problem. Thank you anyway for your time!


I created a new acount and place a new order. In addresses tab in Front and BackOffice the address is OK (with state). All settings are and were corect.

No state output for variable in invoice. Maybe I don't use the right variable. I use {$addresses.invoice->state}.

 I tried {$addresses.invoice->state_name}, {$addresses.invoice->name}, {$addresses.invoice->sname}, {$addresses.invoice->statename}.

If I put {$addresses.invoice->id_state} it write the ID of the state in invoice. But... I realy need the name of the state.

It's so frustrating. Everything I have done by my self and I am not a php-html programmer, but this...?

I don't know... How can I extract in invoice.tpl the name of the state based on id_state from state table? Can you help me with a script or something.


Same result over and over.

Edited by danodas (see edit history)
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Try this static method - State::getNameById($id_state).


To be fully sure, I would also check if the address has set id_state.



It works with {State::getNameById({$addresses.invoice->id_state})}


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