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New Shop Weirdness


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I have a shop I'm setting up on a domain of mine. My server gives me access to htaccess only.

During setup i disabled every module related to the dashboard and stats tab.

I disabled basically every module except the front office modules. 

I also made cache changes. I did all this to see what my hosting cpu usage would drop to.

So i locked myself out of my store entirely, fo-bo, and had to reset the password with pma. 

The thing is, when i got back in my stores bo i see most of the modules i disabled are reenabled, there are also 3 new addons that i have never seen before available. And my cms pages were out of whack. These pages were the first things i did weeks ago so cache changes shouldnt have effected them.


I'm wondering if disabling all those modules crashed my store?

Before i was able to get back in the shop told me i was running php 4x something, now its running php 5.4 (prestashop v like it should.

Am I being dense or did i mess up with configuration during install? And why or how would php version change without a new install?


Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.

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