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Product compare customization


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currently product compare works based on product features - if there are no features inserted, it shows nothing. 

I would like to add, that in product comparison table also product description would be shown. 

I'm quite new with code, but as I understand I should edit products-comparison.tpl file and add somewhere command to show product descriprtion. Can you help me with the syntax? 


I guess it should be somewhere here (in products-comparsion.tpl)

	{if $ordered_features}
				{foreach from=$ordered_features item=feature}
						{cycle values='comparison_feature_odd,comparison_feature_even' assign='classname'}
						<td class="{$classname} feature-name" >
						{foreach from=$products item=product name=for_products}
							{assign var='product_id' value=$product->id}
							{assign var='feature_id' value=$feature.id_feature}
							{if isset($product_features[$product_id])}
								{assign var='tab' value=$product_features[$product_id]}
								<td class="{$classname} comparison_infos product-{$product->id}">{if (isset($tab[$feature_id]))}{$tab[$feature_id]|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}</td>
								<td class="{$classname} comparison_infos product-{$product->id}"></td>
					<td colspan="{$products|@count}" class="text-center">{l s='No features to compare'}</td>
	</div> <!-- end products_block -->

thank you! 

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