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Récupérer Téléphone Client Dans Une Variable Php Pour Envoi Sms

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Bonjour à tous, et à toutes, 


Si je me permet de créer un topic pour ça, qui peux être pour certains la base de la base c'est que j'ai chercher longuement sur internet et essayé tout un tas de possibilité mais il faut avoué que je ne suis pas développeur.


J'utilise un fichier php qui envoi un sms lorsqu'une commande est validé, mais le développeur ne m'a pas répondu et ça fait un moment déjà... 


Concrètement, comme stipule le tire, j'aimerai que dans le sms que je reçoi il y es le (les) numéros de téléphone saisie par le client (ce qui sera tellement plus simple d'appuyer dessus pour le contacter directement étant donné que je vends du service) mais a chaque tentative, echec....


Je vous donne le code du fichier php (entier) pour que vous puisiez le décoder, vue que ce langage paraît tellement clair pour certains o_O


Le SMS se construit à la ligne 397 et la fonction semble commencé en ligne 352


Merci pour votre lecture, et pour votre aide !

	//       Isismorderfree                         	    //
	//       Envoi de sms via free mobile           	    //
	//		 au vendeur quand une commande est validée	    //
	//       Voir fichier CHANGELOG.txt			     	    //

class ISISmsOrderFree extends Module
	public $multishop = false;
	public $context = null;
	public $_html;

	function __construct()
		global $css_files;
		$this->name = 'isismsorderfree';
		$this->tab = 'front_office_features';
		$this->version = 1.1;
		$this->author = 'Communauté';


		$this->page = basename(__FILE__, '.php');
		$this->extension = sprintf("%010X", crc32("ISISmsOrderFree"))."_";
		$this->displayName = $this->l('ISISmsOrderFree');
		$this->description = $this->l('Send an SMS on your "Free Mobile" for each confirmed order');
		$this->multishop = Configuration::get('PS_MULTISHOP_FEATURE_ACTIVE');
		$this->context = Context::getContext();
		$this->usedHooks = Array('actionValidateOrder' => array() );

	function installHook() {
		$thisfile = _PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/modules/'.$this->name.'/'.$this->name.'.php';
		$content = file_get_contents($thisfile);
		$out = "";
		foreach($this->usedHooks as $hook => $cfgHook) {
			$exists = false;
				$exists = Hook::getIdByName($hook);
				$exists = Hook::get($hook);
			if(!$exists) {
				$xhook = new Hook();
				$xhook->name = $hook;
			$funcname = 'hook'.ucfirst($hook);
			if(!method_exists($this,$funcname) && isset($cfgHook["mapTo"]) && $cfgHook["mapTo"]!="") {
				$out .= "\r\n	function {$funcname}(\$params){ return \$this->{$cfgHook["mapTo"]}(\$params); }\r\n";
		if($out!="" && ($pos = strpos($content, '/** Auto'.' '.'Extentions **/'))!==false) {
			$file = fopen($thisfile, "w+");
			fwrite($file, substr($content, 0, $pos+strlen('/** Auto'.' '.'Extentions **/\r\n')));
			fwrite($file, $out);
			fwrite($file, substr($content, $pos+strlen('/** Auto'.' '.'Extentions **/\r\n')));
		return true;

	function install(){
		foreach($this->usedHooks as $hook => $cfgHook) {

		$xdata = array(
			"code_1" => '',
			"cle_1" => '',
			"code_2" => '',
			"cle_2" => '',
			"send_first_phone" => '',
			"send_second_phone" => '',
			"show_order_num" => '',
			"show_order_ref" => '',
			"show_customer_details" => '',
			"show_total_amount" => '',
			"show_payment_mode" => '',
			"show_carrier_name" => '',
			"show_country_delivery" => '',
			"show_items" => '',

		Configuration::updateValue($this->extension.'CFG', base64_encode(gzdeflate(serialize($xdata))));
		return true;

	function uninstall(){
		return true;

	public function getContent()
		$output = '<h2>'.$this->displayName.'</h2>';
		if (Tools::isSubmit('submit'.$this->extension)){
			$output .= '<div class="conf confirm"><img src="../img/admin/ok.gif" alt="'.$this->l('Confirmation').'" />'.$this->l('Settings updated').'</div>';
			$uid = (int)$_POST["uid"];
			$xdata = $this->getConfig();
			echo json_encode($xdata["content"][$uid]);
		return '<div style="max-width:900px;">'.$output.$this->displayForm().'</div>';

	function doInitialization(){
		return true;

	function getMyConfig(){
		$xdata = unserialize(gzinflate(base64_decode(Configuration::get($this->extension.'CFG'))));
		$xdata = (($xdata===false)?array():$xdata);
		return $xdata;

	public function displayForm()
		$this->_html .= '
		<script type="text/javascript">
			function ISIjQueryLoaded(){
				// loadISILib(link, callback);
		<script type="text/javascript" src="'._MODULE_DIR_.$this->name.'/js/include-jquery.js'.'"></script>
			img.edit	{	cursor: pointer;		}
			img.remove	{	cursor: not-allowed;	}
			.drophover	{	background: #c0c0c0;	}
			.menu-zone-container	{	float: left; padding: 0 5px;	}
			.menu-zone	{	border: 1px solid #000;	}
			.hide 		{ display: none; }
			.block-config {
				border: 1px solid #000;
				padding: 10px;
			#isitabmenu li {
				border: 1px solid #000;
				float: left;
				padding: 5px;
				cursor: pointer;
				list-style-type: none;
			#isitabmenu li:hover, .isitabmenu-current {
				/*background: #D6A;*/
			#isitabmenu li:first-child {
				border-left: 1px solid #000;;
			#menu-style {
				padding: 10px;
		<form  id="main-form" action="'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'" method="post" >
				<legend><img src="'.$this->_path.'logo.gif" alt="" title="" />'.$this->l('Settings').'</legend>	


		$this->_html .= '
				<!-- center><input type="submit" name="submit'.$this->extension.'" value="'.$this->l('Save').'" class="button" /></center -->
		return $this->_html;

	function setConfig() {
				isset($_POST['send_first_phone']) ? $send_first_phone = $_POST['send_first_phone'] : $send_first_phone = '';
				isset($_POST['send_second_phone']) ? $send_second_phone = $_POST['send_second_phone'] : $send_second_phone = '';
				isset($_POST['show_order_num']) ? $show_order_num = $_POST['show_order_num'] : $show_order_num = '';
				isset($_POST['show_order_ref']) ? $show_order_ref = $_POST['show_order_ref'] : $show_order_ref = '';
				isset($_POST['show_customer_details']) ? $show_customer_details = $_POST['show_customer_details'] : $show_customer_details = '';
				isset($_POST['show_total_amount']) ? $show_total_amount = $_POST['show_total_amount'] : $show_total_amount = '';
				isset($_POST['show_payment_mode']) ? $show_payment_mode = $_POST['show_payment_mode'] : $show_payment_mode = '';
				isset($_POST['show_carrier_name']) ? $show_carrier_name = $_POST['show_carrier_name'] : $show_carrier_name = '';
				isset($_POST['show_country_delivery']) ? $show_country_delivery = $_POST['show_country_delivery'] : $show_country_delivery = '';
				isset($_POST['show_items']) ? $show_items = $_POST['show_items'] : $show_items = '';

				$oldxdata = $this->getConfig();
				$xdata = array(
					"code_1" => $_REQUEST["code_1"],
					"cle_1" => $_REQUEST["cle_1"],
					"code_2" => $_REQUEST["code_2"],
					"cle_2" => $_REQUEST["cle_2"],
					"send_first_phone" => $send_first_phone,
					"send_second_phone" => $send_second_phone,
					"show_order_num" => $show_order_num,
					"show_order_ref" => $show_order_ref,
					"show_customer_details" => $show_customer_details,
					"show_total_amount" => $show_total_amount,
					"show_payment_mode" => $show_payment_mode,
					"show_carrier_name" => $show_carrier_name,
					"show_country_delivery" => $show_country_delivery,
					"show_items" => $show_items,
				Configuration::updateValue($this->extension.'CFG', base64_encode(gzdeflate(serialize($xdata))));

	function getConfig() {
		// to be replaced
		return $this->getMyConfig();
	function getForm() {
		global $cookie;
		$xdata = $this->getConfig();
		($xdata["send_first_phone"]=="on") ? $send_first_phone_Checked = 'checked' : $send_first_phone_Checked = '';
		($xdata["send_second_phone"]=="on") ? $send_second_phone_Checked = 'checked' : $send_second_phone_Checked = '';
		($xdata["show_order_num"]=="on") ? $show_order_num_Checked = 'checked' : $show_order_num_Checked = '';
		($xdata["show_order_ref"]=="on") ? $show_order_ref_Checked = 'checked' : $show_order_ref_Checked = '';
		($xdata["show_customer_details"]=="on") ? $show_customer_details_Checked = 'checked' : $show_customer_details_Checked = '';
		($xdata["show_total_amount"]=="on") ? $show_total_amount_Checked = 'checked' : $show_total_amount_Checked = '';
		($xdata["show_payment_mode"]=="on") ? $show_payment_mode_Checked = 'checked' : $show_payment_mode_Checked = '';
		($xdata["show_carrier_name"]=="on") ? $show_carrier_name_Checked = 'checked' : $show_carrier_name_Checked = '';
		($xdata["show_country_delivery"]=="on") ? $show_country_delivery_Checked = 'checked' : $show_country_delivery_Checked = '';
		($xdata["show_items"]=="on") ? $show_items_Checked = 'checked' : $show_items_Checked = '';

		$this->_html .= '
						'.$this->l('Before going any further, you need to activate the SMS notification on your "Free Mobile" account to generate the Key ID needed for configuration.').'
						'.$this->l('The received SMS will look like this but you can select what elements to display : ').'<br />
						<div style="font-style:italic;padding-left:20px;">'.$this->l('New order : #num.').'<br />
						'.$this->l('Order ref. : #ref.').'<br />
						'.$this->l('Nouvelle commande de #firstname #lastname.')
						.$this->l('pour un montant de #total.').$this->l('payé par #payment mode.').'<br />
						'.$this->l('Shipping mode : #shipping mode.').'<br />
						'.$this->l('Shipping to : #country delivery.').'<br />
						'.$this->l('Products details :.').'<br />
						'.$this->l('#qty X #ref #name #attributes #price.').'</div>
					<br style="clear: both"/>
					'.$this->l('Choose your SMS options').'
					<div id="tab-config" class="block-config">
						<label>'.$this->l('Show order number').'</label>
						<div class="margin-form">
							<input type="checkbox" name="show_order_num" '.$show_order_num_Checked.' />
						<label>'.$this->l('Show order reference').'</label>
						<div class="margin-form">
							<input type="checkbox" name="show_order_ref" '.$show_order_ref_Checked.' />
						<label>'.$this->l('Show customer details').'</label>
						<div class="margin-form">
							<input type="checkbox" name="show_customer_details" '.$show_customer_details_Checked.' />
						<label>'.$this->l('Show total amount').'</label>
						<div class="margin-form">
							<input type="checkbox" name="show_total_amount" '.$show_total_amount_Checked.' />
						<label>'.$this->l('Show payment mode').'</label>
						<div class="margin-form">
							<input type="checkbox" name="show_payment_mode" '.$show_payment_mode_Checked.' />
						<label>'.$this->l('Show carrier name').'</label>
						<div class="margin-form">
							<input type="checkbox" name="show_carrier_name" '.$show_carrier_name_Checked.' />
						<label>'.$this->l('Show country delivery').'</label>
						<div class="margin-form">
							<input type="checkbox" name="show_country_delivery" '.$show_country_delivery_Checked.' />
						<label>'.$this->l('Show items').'</label>
						<div class="margin-form">
							<input type="checkbox" name="show_items" '.$show_items_Checked.' />
					<br style="clear: both"/>
					'.$this->l('Config 1st Phone').'
					<div id="tab-config" class="block-config">
						<label>'.$this->l('Send on first phone').'</label>
						<div class="margin-form">
							<input type="checkbox" name="send_first_phone" '.$send_first_phone_Checked.' />
						<label>'.$this->l('Free Mobile Client ID').'</label>
						<div class="margin-form">
							<input type="text" name="code_1" value="'.$xdata["code_1"].'" />
							<p class="clear">'.$this->l('Set your "Free Mobile" client number').'</p>
						<label>'.$this->l('Key ID').'</label>
						<div class="margin-form">
							<input type="text" name="cle_1" value="'.$xdata["cle_1"].'" />
							<p class="clear">'.$this->l('Set the key number').' ('.$this->l('check the parameters in your "Free Mobile" account').')</p>
					<br style="clear: both"/>
					'.$this->l('Config 2nd Phone').'
					<div id="tab-config" class="block-config">
						<label>'.$this->l('Send on second phone').'</label>
						<div class="margin-form">
							<input type="checkbox" name="send_second_phone" '.$send_second_phone_Checked.' />
						<label>'.$this->l('Free Mobile Client ID').'</label>
						<div class="margin-form">
							<input type="text" name="code_2" value="'.$xdata["code_2"].'" />
							<p class="clear">'.$this->l('Set your "Free Mobile" client number').'</p>
						<label>'.$this->l('Key ID').'</label>
						<div class="margin-form">
							<input type="text" name="cle_2" value="'.$xdata["cle_2"].'" />
							<p class="clear">'.$this->l('Set the key number').' ('.$this->l('check the parameters in your "Free Mobile" account').')</p>
					<br style="clear: both"/>
						<div style="float: right"><input type="submit" id="btnSaveModule" name="submit'.$this->extension.'" value="'.$this->l('Save').'" class="button" /></div>
					<script type="text/javascript">
						function ISIjQueryLoaded(){
							loadISILib("'._MODULE_DIR_.$this->name.'/js/jquery-ui-1.8.21.js", function(){
							$("#isitabmenu li").each(function(i,o){
									$("#isitabmenu li").removeClass("isitabmenu-current");

	function getData() {
		global $smarty, $cookie, $cart;
		$smarty->assign('modulehash', $this->name.' - '.$this->version.' - '.$this->author);
		$smarty->assign('modulename', $this->name);
		$this->display = false;
		$xdata = $this->getConfig();
		if($xdata['code_1']!='' && $xdata['cle_1']!='') $this->display = true;

	function hookActionValidateOrder($params){		
		$xdata = $this->getConfig();
		$currency = $params['currency'];
			($xdata["show_order_num"]!='') ? $order_num = $this->l('Nouvelle commande de la boutique') . " : ".sprintf("%06d",$params['order']->id)."\r\n" : $order_num = '';
            ($xdata["show_order_ref"]!='') ? $order_ref = $this->l('Order ref.') . " : ".$params['order']->reference."\r\n" : $order_ref = '';
            ($xdata["show_payment_mode"]!='') ? $payment_mode = $this->l('payé par') . " ".$params['order']->payment."\r\n\r\n" : $payment_mode = '';

			if ($xdata["show_customer_details"]!='') {
				$the_customer = $params['customer'];
				$customer_details = $this->l('Nouvelle commande sur la boutique de ').$the_customer->firstname." ".$the_customer->lastname." ";				

			} else {
				$customer_details = '';
            if ($xdata["show_total_amount"]!='') {
				$total_amount = $this->l('pour un montant de ').$params['order']->total_paid." ".$currency->sign." ";
			} else {
				$total_amount = '';
			if ($xdata["show_carrier_name"]!='') {
				$carrier = new Carrier((int)$params['order']->id_carrier);
				$carrier_name = $this->l('Shipping mode') . " : ". $carrier->name."\r\n";
			} else {
				$carrier_name = '';
            if ($xdata["show_country_delivery"]!='') {
				$address_delivery = new Address((int)$params['order']->id_address_delivery);
				$country_delivery = $this->l('Shipping to') . " : ". Country::getNameById((int)$this->context->cookie->id_lang, (int)$address_delivery->id_country)."\r\n\r\n";
			} else {
				$country_delivery = '';
			if ($xdata["show_items"]!='') {
				$items = $this->l('Détails') . " :\r\n";
				$products = $params['order']->getProducts();

				foreach ($products as $key => $product)
					$unit_price = $product['product_price_wt'];
					$items .= (int)$product['product_quantity']." ".$product['product_name']." ".(isset($product['attributes_small']) ?' '.$product['attributes_small'] : '')."\r\n";
			} else {
				$items = '';
			$msg =  urlencode($order_num.$order_ref.$customer_details.$total_amount.$payment_mode.$carrier_name.$country_delivery.$items;

			if($xdata['send_first_phone']!='') { @file_get_contents("https://smsapi.free-mobile.fr/sendmsg?user=".$xdata['code_1']."&pass=".$xdata['cle_1']."&msg=".$msg); }
			if($xdata['send_second_phone']!='') { @file_get_contents("https://smsapi.free-mobile.fr/sendmsg?user=".$xdata['code_2']."&pass=".$xdata['cle_2']."&msg=".$msg); }

	/** Auto Extentions **/

	/** Fin Auto Extentions **/


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Les n° de téléphone sont dans la table ps_address

Donc, vu que vous avez l'adresse correspondante, il suffit d'en extraire les n° de téléphone juste après la ligne:

$address_delivery = new Address((int)$params['order']->id_address_delivery); 

En mettant:

$phone = $address_delivery->phone;
$phone_mobile = $address_delivery->phone_mobile;
Edited by Eolia (see edit history)
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Merci pour votre réponse, 


en rajoutant ça : 


$phone = $address->phone."\r\n";
$phone2 = $address->phone_mobile."\r\n";
$msg =  urlencode($order_num.$order_ref.$customer_details.$total_amount.$payment_mode.$carrier_name.$country_delivery.$items.$phone.$phone2);
Je n'es pas d'erreur comme j'ai pu avoir avant, mais je ne reçoit pas les numéro de téléphone pourtant bien indiqué dans mon compte client.
Où est mon erreur?
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HOP, je me suis trompé.... 



Le code : 


if ($xdata["show_country_delivery"]!='') {
$address_delivery = new Address((int)$params['order']->id_address_delivery);
$phone = $address_delivery->phone;
$phone_mobile = $address_delivery->phone_mobile;
$country_delivery = $this->l('Shipping to') . " : ". Country::getNameById((int)$this->context->cookie->id_lang, (int)$address_delivery->id_country)."\r\n\r\n";
} else {
$msg =  urlencode($order_num.$order_ref.$customer_details.$total_amount.$payment_mode.$carrier_name.$country_delivery.$items.$phone.$phone_mobile);
fonctionne, mais aucune information de téléphone dedans
Edited by SauveSouris (see edit history)
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Les n° de téléphone sont dans la table ps_address

Donc, vu que vous avez l'adresse correspondante, il suffit d'en extraire les n° de téléphone juste après la ligne:

$address_delivery = new Address((int)$params['order']->id_address_delivery); 

En mettant:

$phone = $address_delivery->phone;
$phone_mobile = $address_delivery->phone_mobile;



ça fonctionne, j'avais juste omis d'activer la case du if ($xdata["show_country_delivery"]!='') dans les options du module !! 


Merci encore!

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