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[Solved] How To Install Running Ps In Localhost And Upload To Server After Changes?


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Hello dear friends.


I have a running Prestashop on a shared server.

The host I'm using don't let me change the php configuration for max_input_vars  and suhosin.post.max_vars.

I need to translate my store, and the theme developer said the only way to translate is via BackOffice.

(I can't change my host at this time, unfortunatelly, as this is the easiest way)


So, what is my idea:


Download the files over ftp and make a backup of my DB.


Install my store locally (localhost).


Configure the PHP to what I need.


Make the changes in the translation.


Upload my store and start to sell.



I tryed to do this with WAMP, but I probably missconfigured it and I couldn't make it to work.



Someone could please show me the way I can do this?

I'm really lost and any help with this will be very appreciate.

Edited by wmh90 (see edit history)
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I'd change hosting :D I hope it's free.

Yeah you can do what you said, sounds good. You only need to re-upload files since translations are not stored in the db. If you translate the theme, it's enough to upload that folder

How is it not working in wamp?

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Yes I finally can do it!


As I've expected, I installed the WAMP first time missconfigured.


Now I did their checklist before install and worked.


I just had to figure out the thing of database connection, but after changing the settings to localhost in config/settings.inc.php and adding the user from my running MYSQL server in the localhost phpMyAdmin it worked.


Going to translate everything I need.


So, after translating is just upload my theme and modules folder to my ftp?

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I'm still getting an error while trying to translate my modules.


This is the message (in portuguese, sorry):




Atenção, sua configuração do PHP limita o número máximo de campos para postar em um formulário
2500 para max_input_vars.
Favor solicitar ao seu servidor de hospedagem para aumentar este limite para 7226 pelo menos, ou você terá que editar os arquivos de tradução.


And this is my php.ini in WAMP:


; By Exadra37 - Optimized php configuration for servers that use Prestashop Online Stores
; Some are changed and i add others rules
; Feel free to contribute with more tips to this php.ini file to optimize more the Prestashop Compability and Performance in the server
; About php.ini   ;
; PHP's initialization file, generally called php.ini, is responsible for
; configuring many of the aspects of PHP's behavior.
; How many GET/POST/COOKIE input variables may be accepted
max_input_vars = 10000
; Allow files to be uploaded
file_uploads = On
; Allow external URLs to be opened
Allowllow_url_fopen = On
; Disable PHP register globals
register_globals = Off
; Enable GZIP compression at the default level for best performance
zlib.output_compression = On
zlib.output_compression_level = 6
; Load mcrypt extension
; Disable PHP magic quotes
magic_quotes_gpc = Off
magic_quotes_runtime = Off
magic_quotes_sybase = Off
; Load PDO MySQL extension
; Set memory limit in megabytes
memory_limit = 1024M
; Set maximum execution time in seconds
max_execution_time = 10000
; Set maximum file upload size in megabytes
upload_max_filesize = 100M
; Set maximum post size in megabytes
post_max_size = 100M
; Set maximum input time in seconds
max_input_time = -1;
suhosin.get.max_vars = 10000;
suhosin.post.max_vars = 10000;


I thought it should work.

Untill I figure this out, I'll start translating the store.

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I found the solution to the error.

I used the php.ini file found in the brazilian forum but it supress some needed configuration from wamp and when I restarted the wamp, I got error, so I had to went back to the original php.ini.


Ok, then I had to put the values as I need (very higher values as is for test/fast things up purpose), check below:

suhosin.request.max_vars = 10000
suhosin.post.max_vars = 10000
max_input_vars = 10000

And those too (but you will have to find them in the WAMP php.ini file):

memory_limit = 1024M

Now I can translate the tiny amount of 4955 expressions missing (looool).


When I'm done, I'll put the results and the end steps to help other people.

But by now, this may help start the translation for some people :)


(I'm thinking on make a tutorial or something, this may help a lot of people).

Edited by wmh90 (see edit history)
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