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Helpertreecategory Does Not Load Child Categories When A Category Is Expanded

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Hi there.


I am developing a AdminController for a module, and I need to add the tree for category filtering. I am using the code

            $tree = new HelperTreeCategories('associated-categories-tree', $this->l('Filter by category'));
            $tree->setAttribute('is_category_filter', (bool) $this->id_current_category)
                ->setAttribute('is_category_filter', isset($_GET["id_category"]))
                ->setAttribute('base_url', preg_replace('#&id_category=[0-9]*#', '', self::$currentIndex) . '&token=' . $this->token);

            if (isset($_GET["id_category"]))

                    "tree_view"  => $tree->render()

The tree is generated correctly, with the root category displayed. When the root category is expanded, I see its subcategories. But when these subcategories are expanded, no other categories are displayed. 




I noticed in the AdminProducts controller that when a category is selected and the tree is expanded, a request is triggered in order to load the subcategories.




But this is not happening in my controller. When a category is selected, the tree is expanded, but no ajax requests are performed. Am I missing something for this helper to work properly? Some javascript that may be missing, or maybe some html class that must be used in the tree container div?

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