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Custom Module Or Work On Core Code And Associate Product With Module ?

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Hi everyone

i am new to prestashop and i am starting to develop my own module.

it will not do much. just allow the user to add a dropdown of 5 preloaded typefaces list. when he chooses one below it he can type a text of max 10 letters and this will be visible above the product image.

i 've spend time reading http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS16/Developer+Guide and i have some questions.

if someone can answer them it will be of great help.

1) i cant find anywhere an api. a list of everyhting i can interact with. even searching in google with relative terms produces nothing. doesnt it exist ?

2) should i try to change core files to add a product custom attribute of "typeface" with a drop down list of "typeface" values and then create a custom product template to display it ?


3) create a module that will handle typeface loading, associate it with a predifined product and when the product is displayed load the typeface list choice from the module ?


4) display a module when the prefefined product is called using a hook for example or a custom hook ?


the questions might sound silly but understand i am just begginng in prestashop...


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1) If exits a full documentation I don't know it but you can start looking on the classes to see  which object you can create and the methods you can use


2) Never use the core class because is hard to control your changes ( Is easy change the core files but is  a nightmare when you change versions ) use always the overriding system.


3) You can crate your module and use these link as reference to start http://nemops.com/prestashop-products-new-tabs-fields/#.Vr_CkRjxu7M 

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