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Accessories Tab Opens Up Empty In Ps 1.6 Using Tabs From Ps 1.5


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Hi there,

I successfully transformation Tabs from PS 1.6 style to PS 1.5 style in our web site http://www.filterdepot.ca/index.php?id_product=8&controller=product 

However, the "Accessories" Tab opens up empty with the "0" height of its division <div class="bx-viewport"> (see example: in our web site http://www.filterdepot.ca/index.php?id_product=8&controller=product ) .
Meanwhile, all products appear in the "Accessories" tab normally if the "inspect element" function in Firefox or "inspect" in Google Chrome is used.
I'm pretty sure, this is an issue related to the interaction between the Tabs javascript ( IdTabs.js ) used to toggle the Tabs and the BxSlider,js used to display the images of products (as slides) in the "Accessories" tab.
It looks that "resize event" has to be triggered for the BxSlider (or its division <div class="bx-viewport">) each time the "Accessories" tab opens up in order to display the images (slides) correctly.

Apparently, this is what "inspect element" function does - triggers the "resize event".
Triggering the 'resize event' for "Accessories" tab in "idTabs.js" upon its opening could get the desired result.
The same issues was reported by some other users.


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Hello AKPS1234,


Did you already managed to solve it yourself?


I'm experiencing the same problem. Followed the modifications as described here https://github.com/webprom/prestashop1.6.1.4-product-page-tabs 


Would be great if someone have had a step-by-step fix  :rolleyes:


Despite i'm not the most experienced Prestashop fanatic I'll trial and error it.






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