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First when asking for this kind of help it helps to give a little more info such as what version of Prestashop your using is it the default theme and lastly a link tp the page so we can have a look.

I assume you want to have 5 across instead of 4 but its hard to say without seeing the page.


This will most likely need to have some editing of css files post a link to the shop and I will have a look.

Edited by tdr170 (see edit history)
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First when asking for this kind of help it helps to give a little more info such as what version of Prestashop your using is it the default theme and lastly a link tp the page so we can have a look.

I assume you want to have 5 across instead of 4 but its hard to say without seeing the page.


This will most likely need to have some editing of css files post a link to the shop and I will have a look.

Well, I don't think so that he wants simply change "4 cols" to "5 cols", because he wrote something about to show publicity there.

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Ok so here is a solution that may work for you, under Preferences, Themes click on Advanced settings and enable the Right column.

Check off all the pages where you want the right column to be displayed.


Now use something like this free Module and add your images, text whatever you like and make sure you have selected right column from the position options on the left side of the modules configuration.




Should look like this when done (just example images)



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