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How Can I Move All Short Description To A New Tab?

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You could use Product Features, create a feature called Ingredients, then in the Product edit click the features tab you should see the Ingredients feature, now put the text for the ingredients in the or Customized value and save.

Take a look at the page and see if it will work for you.

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You could use Product Features, create a feature called Ingredients, then in the Product edit click the features tab you should see the Ingredients feature, now put the text for the ingredients in the or Customized value and save.

Take a look at the page and see if it will work for you.



Hi tdr170,


Yes I tried Product Features but the text is to long. PS will not allow me to upload it.



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Well we can fix that, first you would need to edit Classes/ FeatureValue.php and at line 50 change the value from 255 to say 1000. 


// Lang fields
'value' => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'lang' => true, 'validate' => 'isGenericName', 'required' => true, 'size' => 1000),
Now one last change go to your database and go to the table ps_feature_value_lang, in the structure line 3 value change to 1000.
That's it now you can paste up to 1000 characters or whatever you choose.
Once you do this you could remove the Data Sheet header by removing  <h3 class="page-product-heading">{l s='Data sheet'}</h3>  in the product.tpl file then edit product.css to make the Ingredients title a little larger and to match the font color to the More info below. 
If you go this way let me know and i will help.
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Well look what I found





I tested and it works I copied and pasted the code into mine but he also posted an updated product.tpl file.

Don't forget the css that needs pasted to the global.css.


Tip:   He shows 2 sections of code the bottom section is the modified code, then below the css.


I may use this myself.



If you have trouble let me know as I already have this working, however you still had to edit the Features value length as that will be the new tab.

The tab will be called Data Sheet but you can rename that while editing the product.tpl.

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Yes I tested one I found as well have not found code that works - https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/453242-free-module-shopi-multiple-tabs-in-product-page-module/


Just wanted to make sure you know that in 1.6 tabs are not really used but stacked on top of each other, in other words if you remember in 1.5 you had More info with tabs to the right for each addition feature like Accessories, Comments and so on now in 1.6 they are just additions to the length of the page.


With the tabs page I posted in the previous post it changes the Product page to a 1.5 type page with clickable tabs.

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