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Problem With Website After Changing To Leotheme


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Hi there,


I had a great working website until I made a mistake of changing the theme to leotheme. Even though some issues have been fixed they keep coming back and new ones keep appearing. I was hoping someone could fix these problems for me for once and for all.


1. Cookie handling error. Cookies placed by the website causing the shopping cart to empty itself. Which means if you are browsing the website today and place and order today all is fine. However if you try to place an order the next day all cookies will have to be deleted from the browser before any items in the shopping cart are retained. I am not sure if this is a http to https issue or what but I never had this problem until I moved over to leotheme.


2. I have a date picker calendar that stops working from time to time. Basically any adjustment I make on it i.e. disable a delivery date or change cut off date - stops it from working. Then customers try to place an order but cannot because somewhere in the program this module still wants a date picked! I have uninstalled this program already but now I cannot reinstall it because of some existing override issue.  This module worked perfectly fine until I switched over to leotheme. 


3. Paypal module no longer completes the order and doesn't add tax to it even though it is defined to do so. This worked until recently I even tested this but for whatever reason this is not working again.


Please let me know if you think you can fix these issues permanently. 


Thank you.

Edited by moonmosaic (see edit history)
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