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How Do I Copy The Logic From Blockcart To Blocknewsletter

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blockcart coding:

{if isset($blockcart_top) && $blockcart_top}
<div class="col-sm-4 clearfix{if $PS_CATALOG_MODE} header_user_catalog{/if}">


blocknewsletter coding (my attempt):

{if isset($blocknewsletter_top) && $blocknewsletter_top}
<div id="newsletter_block_left" class="col-md-4">

<div id="newsletter_block_left" class="block">


I am trying to apply the class="col-md-4" if the Newsletter module is next to the cart (which it is). However, it is writing out class="block" even though I have the above coding in the blocknewsletter.tpl file.


Why is this?

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