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Fatal Error Messages (Urgent)

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Not sure about the second error but the first one is clear.

Go to var/www/html/cache/smarty/compile/ and delete everything in that directory.

Then make sure that compile is 755.



That has already been done and the permissions are set to 755 also.


But the error still appears. Especially when the website traffic increases during a product launch.

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Smarty makes template files and puts them in to compile directory.

At first I thought that smarty has no permissions. 

It can happen for various reason eg. you uploaded your website and smarty cannot override template files as they belong to different users/groups.


BUT if this only happens then traffic is increased you might be out of hard drive space. 

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Try turning off all caching so see if that clears the error message


If it does clear the message, then turn caching back on, if the error returns it could be a user / group / problem as Simonas suggested. 

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i encountered this issue recently.  the problem was that some cache files were being created under the apache user, while other cache files were being created under the web account user.  And having permissions as 755 do not allow the apache user to write folders and files.


You don't mention what version of Prestashop you are using, for me it was PS v1.6.0.9


To correct my issue, I had to stop routing PHP handling away from NGINX, and keep all PHP processing in apache directly.  I also recently upgraded my PHP version to 5.5.30 which may play a part in the issue.

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i encountered this issue recently.  the problem was that some cache files were being created under the apache user, while other cache files were being created under the web account user.  And having permissions as 755 do not allow the apache user to write folders and files.


You don't mention what version of Prestashop you are using, for me it was PS v1.6.0.9


To correct my issue, I had to stop routing PHP handling away from NGINX, and keep all PHP processing in apache directly.  I also recently upgraded my PHP version to 5.5.30 which may play a part in the issue.


My prestashop version is 

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