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Link In Forgot Password Email.. Not Working. Advise? Something Must Be Missing


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So when a customer does the Forgot password, an email is sent to them.

However the link inside the email is not working. I am not sure why. Im sure im overlooking it.. but I cant figure it out.


So the email reads as: 


Please note that this will change your current password.

To confirm this action, please use the following link:


HOWEVER, the link is not clickable; well I should say it doesnt go anywhere

on the password_query template I see the following:


<td style="padding:7px 0;">
<p style="border-bottom:1px solid #D6D4D4;margin:3px 0 7px;text-transform:uppercase;font-weight:500;font-size:18px;padding-bottom:10px;">Password reset request for {shop_name}</p>
<span style="color:#777;"> You have requested to reset your <span style="color:#333;"><strong>{shop_name}</strong></span> login details.<br /><br /> Please note that this will change your current password.<br /><br /> To confirm this action, please use the following link: <br /><a style="color:#337ff1;" href="%7Burl%7D">{url}</a> </span></td>
<td style="padding:7px 0;" width="10"> </td>
Im ASSUMING it has something to do with that -(the red text) but I am unsure..
Can anyone point me to what Im doing wrong or overlooking?
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APPARENTLY the system doesnt save this change.


ALL my emails have those funky numbers where "{   }" should be.


NOTHING is saving..

I tried to do a different solution that was posted regardind uploading a new Admins translationscontroller.. BUT after doing so it wouldnt let me even get into the transitions, so I had to revert back


How do you fix these issues??

None of the emails going out to customers have clickable links.


New registration.. forgot password...order status.. changes.. shipping.


ITS driving me bananas!! 


I truly thought switching to PS was a good idea from opencart.. and im regretting this move.

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  • 2 years later...

hello. i have the same problem but here is what i did.

i edited the file themes/default-bootstrap/mails/en/password_query.html not in my prestashop backoffice but directly in my cpanel file manager because if i try to edit it in my prestashop backoffice, it doesn't save somehow. 

i removed everything and changed the code to the one below. I hope this works for you. I have been searching the forums too but nothing answered this. or none of the answers posted worked for me. So i tried restoring it to its default and this worked.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/strict.dtd">
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								<a title="{shop_name}" href="{shop_url}" style="color:#337ff1">
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	<td align="center" class="titleblock" style="padding:7px 0">
		<font size="2" face="Open-sans, sans-serif" color="#555454">
			<span class="title" style="font-weight:500;font-size:28px;text-transform:uppercase;line-height:33px">Hi {firstname} {lastname},</span>
	<td class="space_footer" style="padding:0!important">&nbsp;</td>
	<td class="box" style="border:1px solid #D6D4D4;background-color:#f8f8f8;padding:7px 0">
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							Password reset request for {shop_name}						</p>
						<span style="color:#777">
							You have requested to reset your <span style="color:#333"><strong>{shop_name}</strong></span> login details.<br/><br/>
							Please note that this will change your current password.<br/><br/>
							To confirm this action, please use the following link: <br /> <a href="{url}">{url}</a>
				<td width="10" style="padding:7px 0">&nbsp;</td>

							<td class="space_footer" style="padding:0!important">&nbsp;</td>
							<td class="footer" style="border-top:4px solid #333333;padding:7px 0">
								<span><a href="{shop_url}" style="color:#337ff1">{shop_name}</a> powered by <a href="http://www.prestashop.com/" style="color:#337ff1">PrestaShop&trade;</a></span>
				<td class="space" style="width:20px;padding:7px 0">&nbsp;</td>


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