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Presta Cloud New Admin Menu Tab And Template


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Well I found an interesting problem to solve and I want to share it with you, firstly to find the best solution for me and anyone else out there who is facing the same problem.


Ok let's caught to the chase, I have developed few modules that create a new tab for the admin menu.


Well the modules are installing correctly and the tab is created with success, however the there is an issue.


Tab is being created successfully and controller for the tab is registered with success, the issue appears when the controller is setting the template file.


In the controller i use the following code


Prestashop cloud returns an error cause it is trying to load the template file from the core template files.


Here is the error

Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty: Unable to load template file '/core/www/core_1.6.1.1/backoffice/themes/default/template/../../../../modules/mplimplom/views/templates/admin/mplimplomView.tpl' <-- thrown in /core/www/core_1.6.1.1/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php on line 129

Any pointers?



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I have tried so far

$tpl = $this->context->smarty->createTemplate(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../views/templates/admin/mplimplomView.tpl');
return $tpl->fetch();
// Returns no error but the content is blank. Header footer menu of prestashop are loaded but no content of the template is displayed
$tpl = $this->context->smarty->createTemplate('../../../../modules/mplimplom/views/templates/admin/mplimplomView.tpl');
return $tpl->fetch();
//Same result as the above!
$tpl = $this->context->smarty->display('../../../../modules/mplimplom/views/templates/admin/mplimplomView.tpl');
return $tpl;
// This code returns no errors and loads the template file, however it does not load all the template files of prestashop, for example right menu is missing, also few stylesheets seems to be missing too
$tpl = $this->context->smarty->createTemplate('../../../../modules/mplimplom/views/templates/admin/mplimplomView.tpl');
return $tpl->display();
// Same as the above but it returns template errors. Such as Notice: Undefined index: msg in /home/pfr6621235/www/cache/smarty/compile/1e/26/3c/1e263c39db1e15e26b420e3bdb9141067527c022.file.mplimplomView.tpl.php on line 51
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$tpl = $this->context->smarty->display('../../../../modules/mplimplom/views/templates/admin/mplimplomView.tpl');
return $tpl->fetch();
// Loads only the template file nothing else 

By using the php get_class_methods($this->context->smarty)

Array ( [0] => __construct [1] => clearCompiledTemplate [2] => clearAllCache [3] => clearCache [4] => check_compile_cache_invalidation [5] => fetch [6] => createTemplate [7] => check_template_invalidation [8] => update_filepath [9] => is_in_lazy_cache [10] => insert_in_lazy_cache [11] => delete_from_lazy_cache [12] => __destruct [13] => __clone [14] => __get [15] => __set [16] => templateExists [17] => getGlobal [18] => enableSecurity [19] => disableSecurity [20] => setTemplateDir [21] => addTemplateDir [22] => getTemplateDir [23] => setConfigDir [24] => addConfigDir [25] => getConfigDir [26] => setPluginsDir [27] => addPluginsDir [28] => getPluginsDir [29] => setCompileDir [30] => getCompileDir [31] => setCacheDir [32] => getCacheDir [33] => setDefaultModifiers [34] => addDefaultModifiers [35] => getDefaultModifiers [36] => setAutoloadFilters [37] => addAutoloadFilters [38] => getAutoloadFilters [39] => getDebugTemplate [40] => setDebugTemplate [41] => loadPlugin [42] => compileAllTemplates [43] => compileAllConfig [44] => getTags [45] => testInstall [46] => mutingErrorHandler [47] => muteExpectedErrors [48] => unmuteExpectedErrors [49] => display [50] => isCached [51] => createData [52] => registerPlugin [53] => unregisterPlugin [54] => registerResource [55] => unregisterResource [56] => registerCacheResource [57] => unregisterCacheResource [58] => registerObject [59] => getRegisteredObject [60] => unregisterObject [61] => registerClass [62] => registerDefaultPluginHandler [63] => registerDefaultTemplateHandler [64] => registerDefaultConfigHandler [65] => registerFilter [66] => unregisterFilter [67] => _get_filter_name [68] => loadFilter [69] => unloadFilter [70] => __call [71] => assign [72] => assignGlobal [73] => assignByRef [74] => append [75] => appendByRef [76] => getTemplateVars [77] => clearAssign [78] => clearAllAssign [79] => configLoad [80] => getVariable [81] => getConfigVariable [82] => getStreamVariable [83] => getConfigVars [84] => clearConfig )

And get_class_methods($this)

Array ( [0] => __construct [1] => initContent [2] => processConfiguration [3] => setMedia [4] => getBaseUrl [5] => languageRetrieval [6] => generateUrls [7] => generateCSSfile [8] => createTemplate [9] => getTemplatePath [10] => initBreadcrumbs [11] => initToolbarTitle [12] => addFiltersToBreadcrumbs [13] => viewAccess [14] => checkToken [15] => processFilter [16] => postProcess [17] => processDeleteImage [18] => processExport [19] => processDelete [20] => processSave [21] => processAdd [22] => processUpdate [23] => processUpdateFields [24] => processStatus [25] => processPosition [26] => processResetFilters [27] => processUpdateOptions [28] => initPageHeaderToolbar [29] => initToolbar [30] => loadObject [31] => checkAccess [32] => filterToField [33] => displayNoSmarty [34] => displayAjax [35] => redirect [36] => display [37] => displayWarning [38] => displayInformation [39] => initHeader [40] => addRowAction [41] => addRowActionSkipList [42] => initTabModuleList [43] => addPageHeaderToolBarModulesListButton [44] => addToolBarModulesListButton [45] => filterTabModuleList [46] => initCursedPage [47] => initFooter [48] => initModal [49] => renderModal [50] => renderModulesList [51] => renderList [52] => getTemplateListVars [53] => renderView [54] => getTemplateViewVars [55] => renderDetails [56] => renderForm [57] => getTemplateFormVars [58] => renderKpis [59] => renderOptions [60] => setHelperDisplay [61] => setDeprecatedMedia [62] => l [63] => init [64] => initShopContext [65] => initProcess [66] => getList [67] => getModulesList [68] => getLanguages [69] => getFieldsValue [70] => getFieldValue [71] => validateRules [72] => _childValidation [73] => viewDetails [74] => beforeDelete [75] => afterDelete [76] => afterAdd [77] => afterUpdate [78] => afterImageUpload [79] => copyFromPost [80] => getSelectedAssoShop [81] => updateAssoShop [82] => validateField [83] => beforeUpdateOptions [84] => postImage [85] => uploadImage [86] => processBulkDelete [87] => ajaxProcessOpenHelp [88] => processBulkEnableSelection [89] => processBulkDisableSelection [90] => processBulkStatusSelection [91] => processBulkAffectZone [92] => beforeAdd [93] => displayRequiredFields [94] => jsonConfirmation [95] => jsonError [96] => isFresh [97] => refresh [98] => fillModuleData [99] => displayModuleOptions [100] => ajaxProcessGetModuleQuickView [101] => addMetaTitle [102] => getController [103] => run [104] => displayHeader [105] => displayHeaderJavaScript [106] => displayFooter [107] => setTemplate [108] => setRedirectAfter [109] => addCSS [110] => removeCSS [111] => addJS [112] => removeJS [113] => addJquery [114] => addJqueryUI [115] => addJqueryPlugin [116] => isXmlHttpRequest [117] => smartyOutputContent [118] => isCached [119] => myErrorHandler [120] => ajaxDie )
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$tpl = $this->getTemplatePath('../../../../modules/mplimplom/views/templates/admin/mplimplomExtraView.tpl');

return $tpl;

// All are loaded except the template

$tpl = $this->createTemplate('../../../../modules/mplimplom/views/templates/admin/mplimplomView.tpl');

return $tpl;

// All are loaded except the template

$tpl = $this->createTemplate('../../../../modules/mplimplom/views/templates/admin/mplimplomView.tpl');

return $tpl->fetch();


// AND


$tpl = $this->createTemplate('../../../../modules/mplimplom/views/templates/admin/mplimplomView.tpl');

return $tpl->display();


// Returns Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty: Unable to load template file '/core/www/core_1.6.1.1/backoffice/themes/default/template/../../../../modules/mplimplom/views/templates/admin/mplimplomView.tpl' <-- thrown in /core/www/core_1.6.1.1/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php on line 129

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After careful investigation on $this object, I found out that the template directory is defined in there, however it is protected so you can simply change it by setting a new value.


Any ideas how you can define a new template_dir to load tpl files from there for this controller? 


This of course might lead to a dead wall but it is the best idea to have right now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No good answer is found yet.


Let me re inform you about the issue.


I have created a module that installs a tab in backoffice and a controller is assign to it. 

In the controller the module calls the template file like 

return $this->setTemplate('mplimploumView.tpl');

All works fine!


BUT not in prestashop cloud


Results in 

Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty: Unable to load template file '/core/www/core_1.6.1.1/backoffice/themes/default/template/mplimploumView.tpl' <-- thrown in /core/www/core_1.6.1.1/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php on line 129

In prestashop cloud certain files are loaded from core folders that are being used by all shops. 


Is there a ways to override the core template files or to declare which tpl file I want to display. 


Any help would be much appreciated cause I am really stuck.

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