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Product Doesn't Save - Error Associate With Category

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I'm not a developer and have no knowledge of coding and programming, so this issue is a massive obstacle for me:


Since last week (installation of a new theme) NO product wants to save. I get the following error ALL the time:



2 fouten 

  1. Producten moet tenminste in één categorie staan.
  2. Dit product moet in de standaardcategorie staan.


2 errors:

1. Products must be associated with at least 1 category

2. This product needs a standard category




When I go to the tab 'category' and click on a radio button of a specific of any category, the product page reloads WITHOUT remembering the radio button I selected. So I get stuck in a loop. Quite worrying as I'd like to add new products to the website for 'Sinterklaas', which is a big children's gift selling period early December.


The developers of the theme confirmed me it has nothing to do with them as the theme has no influence on the back office at all. 


Is there anyone who can assist me with this OR who can solve this for me?


Thank you so much!

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