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Problem With Single Default Currency Eur For Each Store In Multistore : (Store-1) And (B2B-2)

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Hello everybody.


I hope this is the right group :


I have two stores:

Store store-1 in English for my public customers (store-1) with two currency one currency EUR(default)
and USD dollar

Store b2b-2 in English for my private resellers/wholesales (b2b-2) with two currency one currency EUR(default)
and USD dollar

I have activated in each store:"(store-1) + (b2b-2) + (all shop)" Enable PrestaShop's Webservices:
store-1/(store-1) =>"https://www.lunabianca.com/store/"
store-1/(b2b-2) =>"https://www.lunabianca.com/store/b2b"

I can update the currency via Webservices(activated) true reloading "https://www.lunabianca.com/store/xxxx/cron_currency_rates.php?secure_key=xxxxxxxxxxx"

but when I do it never happen for the second store "Store b2b-2"

The second store "Store b2b-2" it is updating the currency only if I change the default currency from EUR to USD bur tecnically this is another issue becouse we are located on Europe Zone Italy

I've understod that maybe it could depend from one of the following php script located:

i) store/echo/cron_currency_rates.php
ii) store/classeso/Currency.php

my store use the default SSL tuned on store/admin .htaccess

Additionally, I want all prices in UK store to be converted automatically from EUR to GBP.

Everything is fine for the (store-1). But when I go to (b2b-2), NEVER UPDATE the curremcy in USDits very first page always show products with prices in EUR. Just after click any link (or just hit F5 to refresh).

I have installed and update la last version stable .

Anybody have some suggestions to solve fix this issue?




Edited by mrtraveler (see edit history)
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