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Multiple Values for each feature - for Prestashop 1.6.x.x for creating

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Hi Ambassadors, This is my very first post in the history of forums on internet. 


I am not sure whether this is a right place to ask question or start discussion, but I would really like to know how can I use multiple values for each feature for each product in prestashop 1.6.


Because in the product>feature section, there is dropdown list for selection of feature value, I am not able to select multiple values. 


I have seen some posts for Prestashop 1.5.x where using some overridden files this can be achieved (https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/176242-modification-select-multiple-values-for-one-feature/page-7) , however this approach is not valid for 1.6 version. So is there any help? 


I also know that there is a module (multiple feature) available (http://addons.prestashop.com/en/search-filters-prestashop-modules/6356-multiple-features-assign-your-features-as-you-want.html) , but even with that module, person has to manually select each value for features (no CSV import option).


Pls help.



Edited by Bill Dalton (see edit history)
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